Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Good lord, this thread is still going, it’s misinformation, it’s a clip taken out of context.

This is the RETAIL addon on the RETAIL realms, it does not have auto-invite on classic realms.

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Slippery slopes are great arguments, haven’t you heard?

I will use it. With the auto invite off though.

Need to make sure I dont invite to much competion for the items I want

Except it was in vanilla. Whoops! Now how do you feel about it?

This addon won’t make it live. And if it does it won’t last longer than a day. Blizz already stated that they won’t allow for addons which affect the vanilla experience.

There is no auto invite. This is a different add on in a retail game. The OP is purposefully misleading.

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Too late for that. When he glosses over the functionality yesterday to avoid backlash, he lost any goodwill he may have had.

It’s not up to the addon creator to define how offensive and non-Classic this is allowed to be. It was ignorant to release this monstrosity to our community.

At this point, I just want Ion to squish this to pieces.

WHAT? No way! A streamer making crap up for clicks?


Yea… That is… the joke.

So, which one of you is lying?

Second quote is from Celesi.


The auto-invite has to go. There has to be a way to break this. I think it runs so counter to the design philosophy of vanilla WoW and has no place in Classic. Just ick.

I don’t mind group finder addons, but there has to be some hardware input at minimum to form groups.

From the creator:


I’m looking forward to see what kind of “law” some people are referring to is about to be layed down. I still need to find something official that states it is against anything. I have to say, the “auto-invite” function as showed off by some streamers is unfurtunate. It says “Automatic group matchmaking will not be included” but as we have seen in recent clips that is exactly what auto-invite does.


Its not really auto matchmaking, the effect is similar tho. In the next update it will be disabled except for the “custom” category.


You know when an add-on creator starts disabling features in their own project that blizzard needs to step in. Automatic grouping is something people have been saying is at risk by allowing Classic LFG to be in Classic. Many have said that this add-on only helps filter chat. They were wrong. The potential of this add-on is obviously limitless. The creator here has the power if he choses to exercise it to create a retail LFG replica and if you think otherwise you are simply not aware of the capabilities of add-ons and the wow culture surrounding the words, “LFG”. This add-on no matter how stripped down in becomes is purely toxic and must be banned or boycotted.



Blizzard needs to preserve the spirit of Classic. It shouldn’t be left to one person looking to support his project to make it stink a little bit less due to community outrage.

Probably not, and here’s why:

Ion said they wouldn’t be bringing that in from Retail. THEY wouldn’t. They never said ANYTHING about an addon that someone else made. Blizz just won’t be making their own available in Classic.

You can’t believe what you just wrote…right??


I’m planning on using it for guild recruiting. :slight_smile:

Did you not watch the video from Ion?

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I do.

Show me ANYWHERE they said an addon wouldn’t be allowed?

Blizzard isn’t bringing THEIR LFG tool in, because THAT wasn’t in Vanilla.

Yes, I did, Charax. Didn’t you?

Show me where he said they wouldn’t allow an addon? I’ll wait.

(HINT: You won’t find it)