Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

I wish it would cook and clean and wash my car too.

Like, seriously…stop being obtuse. Just because I like the addon doesn’t mean I want it to be like retail.

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Go back and look at IONS comments. He mentioned LFR and stated that they will ban these add ons because LFR was not a classic experience. Even Asmond played this video today on his stream on what ION said.

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Nobody’s asking for LFR.

I think you’re agreeing with me?

meh, vanilla had macros that could play the game for me and they aren’t allowing this so it’s not true classic.

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I used Recount, Cartographer (So I could put rare mining nodes and rare spawns that I found on my own map), and Auctioneer (I did a lot of farming and used to do my AH sales manually, but sometimes I’d spend an hour just trying to sift through prices of all the mats I was trying to sell so I could get mine sold faster).

I don’t think the spirit of classic is meant to be people standing around spamming chat channels

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Macros are programmed in game, and it doesn’t actually play the game for you. I used macros for leveling enchanting because I got tired of moving my mouse all over to click Accept and Confirm and all the other nonsense we had to deal with lol.

Patch 1.11 made LFG global.

So the addon creater has been listening. Next update, the autoinvite is going away except for custom events. Like throwing together a raid group for SS vs TM. Dungeons and zones WILL NOT auto-invite.

And roles aren’t going to be looking at talents anymore. You click if you’re a healer or a tank or DPS and it takes your word for it.

There. Now it’s absolutely no different than using the chat channel, except that now it can be filtered. Now can we shut up about the addon?


If the addon maker was listening, he would delete his addon. However, he doesn’t care, he knows how much people hate this addon, how people want to play classic to GET AWAY FROM LFG and other such retail features, and is still keeping it. He wants his “fame” and “donations” for making this. It makes him feel special.

This addon cannot be around when the servers go live on the 26th. It needs to be disabled(or the api disabled that allows such functions) BEFORE classic servers come up. Once this addon is used at all, it will be an immediate negative effect on the community.

Please act FAST, Blizzard. Do not wait weeks, if not months, to disable this addon.


When it’s harder to find group members you have to settle for what you have. When you have to settle, because it could take you tens of minutes, if not hours, to replace a bad tank or a bad healer, you instead work with it and try to help them improve. Your first thought isnt “kick this bad player, we can replace him in 30 seconds with an auto-queue”

The problems with this addon and LFG is that it creates a hostile disposable human being atmosphere where you only care about winning and just kick people until you get the perfect player because it’s too easy and quick to replace people. People become objects, and not human beings.

Finding players to do content with needs to be hard and inconvenient or humans are treated as disposable trash and never taught or helped.

Source: retail, every modern MMO.


Dude, seriously, the addon is exactly the same as typing LFM UBRS and waiting for someone to type “ill go.”

All this addon does is make a filterable graphical representation of the looking for group channel. So instead of a ton of chat spam from thousands of people trying to put groups together, it’s all condensed into an easy to read interface that lets you only see the messages that you want to see.

And having to have finding groups be hard is why so many elite quests in the old game were not commonly completed by so many players.

Don’t see how you can really prevent stuff like this. I imagine Blizz isn’t going to arbitrarily ban addons that don’t actually break any rules.

People just need to accept that we’re not going to get the 100% Classic experience…it’s not possible to perfectly recreate a period of time.

These are the same arguments I’ve been reading since ~2009 when they added LFG and people wanted it removed.

It’s pretty depressing seeing history repeat itself.

if you need easy/convenient MMO gameplay, retail WoW has that, and has had that for over a decade. Give people a true authentic classic experience - you know, the entire point of CLASSIC WOW IN THE FIRST PLACE?


IMO break this addon, This takes away from individual social aspect and invalidates the need to join a guild early on. Not to mention what will happen if any new features happen to this addon later that could cause even more damage.


I’m not asking for easy, I’m asking to be able to actually leave Ironforge and work on farming ore while I’m putting the group together, which this addon accopmplishes. ONce again, and pay attention, all ClassicLFG does is take the looking for group chat channel and put it into a filterable window. That’s all. It does absolutely NOTHING beyond that. Making groups is still done 100% identically, except that now you can leave the major cities, and OMG find replacements for that guy who DC’d without having to hearth back. And the fact that you’re actually arguing against the addon really only tells us that you have absolutely no idea how it actually works and what it does.

Seriously, did you even actually play vanilla?

I’ll be shocked if Blizzard doesn’t kill it. It’s completely antithetical to the purpose of Classic. It needs to die. “Don’t use it” is a dumb argument, people who care about the integrity of the game’s community and punishing feel should not have to hamstring themselves because normies want to catapult themselves to Rag with little effort. Kill it with fire Blizz.


I’m on the side of this being an absolutely no-go addon.

Please do not allow this addon in game. It goes against the spirit of what I, personally, believe to be that which Classic represents.


i really, really, really hate it