Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

I hope they break it, but I already have it installed just in case they don’t.


LOL…That cracked me up

10chars what?

okay I lol’d

Uhh, he said that they may restrict things that take advantage of the API and he specifically pointed out social networks.

I mean, if you did watch it, I guess his point just didn’t click with you for some reason.

Can’t help you there rofl!


Here is the interview with MR GM after he tests the LFG add on. Devs are on the same stream later.

I’m still not seeing why this is bad. You still have to talk to people. You still have to travel to the dungeon. The only decent argument against it people give is it separates people who don’t use it from people who do. And even then, so what? Why would non-addon people want to waste time with someone who’s not going to talk and just wants a quick run? Why would someone using addons want to group with a curmudgeon who refuses to use addons to make themselves play better?


Man this addon is everything we ever wanted in classic! Easy group invites! I don’t have to have actual contact with people, I can just get my dungeon done within 30 minutes of looking for a group! I cant wait to be a number!

Kill it.


I feel confident at this time, that Blizzard has made their stance on this topic clear from earlier communication. Now we wait for blizzard to crush that Addon like a bug.

This addon does not make a dungeon easier, it doesn’t teleport you to dungeon, it doesn’t match you with off server people.

The is just like how premade group finder works for mythic +, and that’s a great thing.

Its affects me because WoW is a multiplayer game.

It isolates non-addon users from addon users.

I agree this need to be blacklisted asap. Breaking the social aspect of classic.

No, it doesn’t. Did you ready anything about it or just freak out because it had the letters “LFG” in it?

Blizzard please understand the community and what it wants… for you to disable this functionality.

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I’m sure they realize you’re wrong.

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That’s not even true. It’s a chat utility. Anyone not using it won’t see the difference. They’ll see the posts created by the add on in chat like any other and can still whisper the sender. Posting your own LFG will get picked up by the add on so they can find your group as well.


The social aspect was inside of groups, travelling to dungeons, and completing the dungeons.

The social aspect of spamming general was infinitesimal, the vast majority of social experiences happened in groups/guild, not outside of them trying to get in one.


Must ban this addon!!!


Okay, yeah this definitely convinced me. The LFG addon has got to go.

TSM too.


I don’t often post, made an exception for this. This addon in that state that it is currently in with auto-adding group members for you totally goes against the spirit of classic wow. Addons such as CTA did not auto-add, I think that is where the line needs to be drawn at a minimum.