Fake Faramere making up more lies. Sad. Go on back to Retail or wait for BC servers. Stay where you belong, where you came from. Classic is for real players, not people that started with flying.
I found a reference on here that it went live on 1.11, but the official patch notes don’t mention it.
There is a patch note from I think 1.11.2 or something that says you are now not put in LFG by default. It would make sense that they took people out of it by default at the same time it went global so you didn’t have to see a busy global chat channel by default without opting in.
I found this:
The old LFG channel (removed sometime around the release of TBC, IIRC). Imagine trade today, except not only in cities and about twice as spammy.
The old way, in Vanilla WoW was to sit in cities and spam for LFG through the general chat in Ironforge or Orgrimmar (since they were the only cities with auction houses). Then trade channels became popular once auction houses were implemented in the other capital cities. I guess Blizzard figured since Trade Channel was such a hit, why not make a channel for people to be in, in any area?
Thus, LFG was born. It made finding groups a lot easier, since everyone was in the channel… but soon it just became a nightmare, and people were leaving LFG… lots of complaints were sent into Blizzard I’m assuming, for a few weeks/months (cant recall correctly) later the LFG system was implemented… it wasnt as good as it is today. But it helped a lot with spam control, since you only joined when you were actually looking for a group.
Well, if blizz is going to allow it, they might as well just leave their LFG interface in.
Please blizzard ban this!!! I was originally neutral on it, but this is way too far and against the spirit of classic. Ban ban ban!!! Please listen to your classic community!
The LFG channel went global in patch 1.11. The first Tuesday night it appeared, there was a flood of chatter which rendered it completely ineffective. This subsided very quickly in the following week or so, but it recurs on at least some servers, where people chat about unrelated things.
Soon after this, [GMs] started to remove authority to speak from those who abused the channel. If this happened, it would last for some time, after which you would regain ability to use the channel again. Still, there were times when the GMs would not kick those who consistently chatted or spammed some guild-recruitment message, even though there is a guild-recruitment channel.
With patch 1.11.2, Blizzard has made the decision to, by default, deactivate the LFG channel. Players can join it by typing
/join LFG
, according to the patch log.
You know what, folks? If Fibbing Faramere wants to change how addons work and take away the glory of an authentic vanilla experience, I bet he wants flying added. He started in BC after all. He’s never known the game without it! SAD!
The purpose of Classic is to restore this game to its original majesty. To make it great again.
We don’t want these BC baby changes.
WTF is the spirit of classic? Dude, autoforming groups EXISTED BY BLIZZARD’S DESIGN!
Seriously, enough. This addon doesn’t do a single thing that Blizzard didn’t have present by their own creation in the game at the time.
Are you guys kidding me right now… I was an officer in a raid guild in vanilla, I typed /rainvite guess what that did it auto added everyone in guild with ra add on. It also said “whisper invite to join raid”… guess what that did it auto added anyone who whispered me the word “invite”.
This is all things that were in vanilla. This outrage culture needs to stop, you don’t get to tell other players how to enjoy Warcraft when it has little to no impact on your wow experience.
Bro, turn around…retail is the other way!!
Weird. I played from April 05’ to the end of TBC and didn’t hear about this add-on once. I’m honestly indifferent on whether it gets “banned” or not because I don’t think people will use it either way. Just very much an add-on that goes against the spirit of what Classic is meant to be about. And no, it’s nothing like a Quest Helper or a Swing Timer, because more than a small handful of people actually used those add-ons during Vanilla.
No one I know will be using this add-on and would laugh at you if you asked them to download it. I don’t know why people are worried about being “forced” to use it, no one else other than a few tourists will even be trying it out.
You sure about that? What if you find someone you know downloaded it? Would you never speak to them again?
Don’t remember anyone ever using those, not once. Didn’t they just randomly put 5 people together, regardless of role? So they were already broken. Blizzard should break these addons to be consistent.
I don’t remember Dark Iron Dwarves being a playable race in Classic?
Looks to me that this thread is fake.
They did exactly what the addon does if you turn the auto-invite on. The first 5 people are a group.
You can actually copy ClassicLFG into your BfA addon folder and load it in BfA since the addon API is so similar (mostly just some stuff missing in the classic version). So you can go test it on retail to see how it works yourself if you wanted to.
The addon’s most recent version does actually have an auto-invite tickbox, but people are overreacting to it I think. Most people using the addon won’t tick that box because they’ll want something more specific in their group, and even if they do, it’s their business how they ended up in a group with who they ended up with.
Also, Blizzard could easily disable just auto inviting and it wouldn’t break the primary features or purpose of the addon.
Yeah but did you hear ion about stopping these add ons that take away the classic experience?
Nope never heard of an addon taking away from the classic experience.
No. I’d just laugh. Like come on dude, the game is easy enough. You can’t be arsed to join LFG? And you think other people that can’t be arsed to even join LFG will go and find some random add-on to do that for them?
I bet you wish the add-on could teleport you to the entrance too. Maybe buy you some cheese chips? Some soda pops? Maybe they can write an add-on that will just automate everything for you. I think I heard some guy used it once in Vanilla, so it’s definitely authentic for sure.