Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Nothing in that article mentions anything about this addon, because they didn’t discuss it.

Additionally, before the classicast started Esfand stated they would not bring it up for a gotcha moment during the interview, AND he said he already passed on his concerns to the devs.

The devs have said very little about addons at all, and they will most likely take a reactionary approach to addons, as their plates are full for launch.

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Don’t have to imagine it. I already lived it… it works great.

Is really the only issue I have with the addon. Personally I would prefer groups to be built manually because if feels more personal.

Its not going to make or break the game for me since I will primarily play with guild members with the occasional pug member. I do think this is an issue the community needs to discuss.

So having messages almost immedately scroll off of the chat window “works great?” I don’t think you’re truly understanding what THOUSANDS of people in a single chat channel is going to look like.

I played vanilla too! Cant wait to use these addons!

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Learn what it is before complaining about it…

Its a whisper “inv” for invite macro…

There is nothing wrong with it as implemented in this video and was in numerous addons in vanilla. It doesnt do matchmaking at all.


You would be hilariously incorrect, because Esfand very clearly brought up LFG. It was packaged in the disguise of “well what about addons that do things like LFG, Auctioneer, etc”.

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I’m not saying I will personally do this, but I can totally see people joining your group just to ruin your instance for using the addon. You know guys? Like just an example you get like 3 of your friends to join the group and pull like a mob every 5 minutes or just leave when they get there or gank on your horde toons. You know, I wont be doing this but I can see people doing it. Oh or maybe just joining and afking. I wont do it, but you know, can’t stop anyone from doing it :wink:

That’s great that " you don’t think so". Like I said, I have been there done that that before, and I know how it works.

People figured it out back then and they will figure it out again.

Are you auto invited when you whisper? If the answer is yes, I would prefer the addon to be broken. You do not have to agree, I’m just against automated lfg addons. Each to their own :slight_smile:

Right on. I think we all look forward to playing Classic.

So people can find it, the addon is ClassicLFG. It lets you easily find people to get stuff done with, be social with, maybe even eventually guild with. A real boon for social interactions in the game.

Just like the original Vanilla LFG addon, Call To Arms.

The more topics on this the more advertising it gets, so thanks for the help!


Flagged for advertising?

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I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. I’m really trying to analyze this from all angles here.

Assuming there’s NO auto-invite feature in this addon in Classic, and no ability to inspect people’s talents, couldn’t this potentially lead to additional friendships? You could have a successful dungeon run after using this addon, and then at the end of the run you say, “great run, adding you”. Then after that, you play with people on your friends list because of this addon. And the Classic community would do a good job policing themselves because this addon isn’t cross-realm. You’d still avoid “toxic” players, etc. Your thoughts?

Go for it!

I’m just posting to give everyone links and context, a vital part of any discussion.

I went for it!

Sorry that is a big no go in classic. You find your groups in chat or through your guild and actually socialize.

Cool, thanks!

It needs to be broken right away.

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Have fun ruining your reputation. You wont be able to tell the difference between a normal group and someone using the addon. Lolololol

No you have to turn that on like when he clicked auto invite. That is used to fill raids for random things that dont require specific people and just want lots of people in the group, like you might turn that on in the starting area at launch so you get a quick group of 5 people you dont care who the people are you just want to speed up tagging mobs for the quests.

Most times you need to talk with people to form the groups.

Whisper “inv” macros are a thing from vanilla where you could set it to auto invite anyone who whispered you the key word in this case “inv”