Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Man, these retail players really want their dungeon finder.


Meh. It’s not game breaking, for me at least.

Watch out everyone Edgemaster 2000 in the house!

Get over yourself, we both know they avoided answering this specifically.

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Man, these phony vanilla players really don’t want functionality available that was present in actual vanilla.

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I’m actually a BC player mate, no dungeon finder :wink:

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I know right! With the add-on they’ll be able to just queue and walk away knowing that when they get back, they’ll be in a group and already ported to the entrance and probably able to roll on the first boss’s loot!

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Aww, feels bad when whining doesn’t get you what you want doesn’t it?

LOL a BC baby trying to tell me how Classic should be.

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BC’s Group Finder absolutely ruined the game, didn’t it?

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BC baby, cute.

I wouldn’t know. I don’t care about this addon one way or the other. I’m arguing that the devs never said what you claim and that I believe this addon goes against Vanilla. The devs will decide if it is ok and I’ll decide if I want to use it. I’m good, but you sir/madam have real issues that you should speak to someone about.

Good day.


Its called a slippery slope, eventually, it did.

You didn’t play Vanilla if you don’t know how this affects the individual player. First and foremost, this separates the community. People that use the addon and people that don’t. Nobody wants that. There is a clear advantage to using the addon. This creates the need for everyone that doesn’t already have a group going into Classic to use the addon if they want to get a group for dungeons while leveling. It hurts guilds in the long run. Guilds often brought in the core of their raid teams through leveling and random encounters in dungeons. Having a LFG addon this sophisticated already indoctrinates the retail mentality of join a randomly generated group, complete the dungeon, and leave without ever establishing a relationship with the players in your party or saying a word to one another. Because you’ll just do the same thing over again … join a randomly generated group, complete the dungeon, and leave.


You can just highlight the link and click preformatted text or surround it in `` like:

also, wowhead is whitelisted

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You don’t care but you think it goes against vanilla and keep posting in these threads. Hmm…

He doesn’t care about the addon, he cares that you’re a blatant liar.

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Correct. I can express a point of view without being emotionally invested. I am one of few people that actually played Vanilla so I believe I have a better view than most. Take my opinion as you will, but I would point out that I am at least contributing to the conversation instead of reverting to ad hominem attacks.

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Seriously people auto invite is not group making…

All it does is send an invite to the first people to apply, no one would use this feature for a dungeon… the feature is for things like TMvSS where you just want huge raids and the people in the group do not really matter.

Everyone needs to hop on retail and look at the LFG tool, its the same thing as this addon and it is just a better interface on chat spamming with 0 added functionality.

That’s what the LFG channel is, in classic. So your not chained to a major city. /4 is LFG Join it.

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OK, now try to understand how fast that channel is going to spammed with thousands of people are looking to fill groups at the same exact time.