Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

The video in the OP is a clip of a longer video. Watch the full video starting at 4h 47m 25s.

I had to add spaces to include the video link:
https:// www. twitch. tv/videos/470688445?t=4h47m25s

He downloaded the retail version and is running it on retail.

He is not running it on Classic.

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Im aware. But the Classic devs think its fine. Cry more.

I used them, once two other people from the group got there. If I remember it took 3 to summon.

I do NOT remember stones being able to auto-group. They were teleports for stragglers or slackers already in a group.

It’s been a while, so I may be wrong. But I don’t recall the summoning stones resembling LFG in any way.

Post link to that verbiage or gtfo.


Reeally? Where’s your proof? Right you have none but good troll.

Who says the devs think its fine. lolol

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Meeting stones in Vanilla did not summon.


EsfandTV stream with Classic devs Omar and Brian. Plugging your ears and denying reality wont change it.

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They wern’t discussing this NEW ADDON with the autto-invite. Next…

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This. The add-on doesn’t play the game for you and does no more significant “automation” than opening all your mail at the mailbox or sorting your bags or swapping all your gear for a different set.

You lolololose.

They were asked about LFG addons. Get over it or dont play.

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They never even brought up the point of the addon, Esfand said he wouldn’t be asking about it. Apparently you are the one who were plugging your ears…


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That addon is from retail. The stream is retail the OP misrepresented it.


We’ve seen it and they intentionally side step this addon.

Oh the irony.

oh this forum
you guys always need SOMETHING to complain about :stuck_out_tongue:
“people are using the API!” oh what a travesty /s

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Can’t link verbatim, but,

https ://

Those tears are delicious.

If it bothers you so much, dont play.

Well you are technially correct BUT since Classic is now based upon modern infrastruccture it remains to be seen if it won’t work in Classic.

When it’s harder to find group members you have to settle for what you have. When you have to settle, because it could take you tens of minutes, if not hours, to replace a bad tank or a bad healer, you instead work with it and try to help them improve. Your first thought isnt “kick this bad player, we can replace him in 30 seconds with an auto-queue”

The problems with this addon and LFG is that it creates a hostile disposable human being atmosphere where you only care about winning and just kick people until you get the perfect player because it’s too easy and quick to replace people. People become objects, and not human beings.

Finding players to do content with needs to be hard and inconvenient or humans are treated as disposable trash and never taught or helped.

Source: retail, every modern MMO.

Quicker/convenient = bad.


Yea, they were like “we are ok with something that makes it easier to read or understand something, something that might put it into a window, but we are not ok with something automates GAMEPLAY” the keyword is GAMEPLAY that’s old school decursive, oldschool healbot, supermacro, etc.