I read your first sentence and got bored with you. You can keep responding to me if you want, not going to chance my stance on the protest.
Here’s the thing.
The reason for people sitting around for hours is people weren’t interested in grouping at that time.
Sitting usually happen during off-peak when someone wanted to run something during raid times, hence all the players were off in raids for hours.
Once the server populations settle, no addon will get rid of that “problem”.
You gonna go ahead and wipe peoples minds of 15 years of learning the ins and outs of the game too?
Yep, that’s about where I am with this. In fact, I’m sharing horse pâté before it’s beaten into pudding. Would you like a cracker?
But Ora and Call to Arms were the SAME. Oh wait…
Never said that about this addon. I don’t think anyone has.
The addon in this thread is different than the addon we talked about yesterday, I believe.
Just wanted to quote this. That is all.
If you want something like this go play retail,
Yes it is but people are in fact still making that very claim about the auto invite one. But now they throw in stones and inkeepers.
The auto-invite feature is new? The older screenshots don’t have it.
That feature needs to be broken. Group leaders should have to think about who they invite and actively invite them. Even if it’s the first 3-4 people in the list.
To be fair this particular addon is differn’t than the one we all lost our minds over yesterday.
The devs have spoken. Not going to bother with these threads anymore. Time to look for the next outrage.
Regardless of the addon, auto-invites are not cool, man.
You people must do a hell of a lot more socializing that I do when forming a group.
Me: LF1M Tank for DM
Tank: Invite
Me: /invite Tank
Me: Alright everyone - lets head to the instance.
Addon spams for group and group forms
Me: Alright everyone lets head to the instance.
I just want to play the game without people trying to circumvent things because they don’t like they way it was or was too inconvenient.
I don’t even mind addons, think most are great but this one isn’t on that list.
They are going to have to remove the auto invite function and ensure the addon doesn’t spam chat. If I see it I will RCR for spam every time.
Too bad. The classic devs think its fine. Youll live.
You won’t be able to tell if its an addon or not. Have fun getting suspended for abusing RCR.
BREAK IT Blizzard!
Just because you believe something as true doesn’t make it true.
It doesn’t spam, it’s limited to once every 1 to 5 minutes (setting), people posting macros post far more than that.