Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

But considering the entire point is to make reading LFG chat easier to find groups easier, there’s no reason to turn that off. :slight_smile:

It would be like downloading an AH addon and then never using the AH.

You’re missing that the system already existed in Vanilla, you just had to submit a ticket, confirm both people were present, and then they would move the item. It’s not like if there was an issue with loot that Blizz just said FU.

And no, standing in a city spamming a chat channel does not build social interaction or build community. I ran plenty of dungeons in Vanilla where after the group formed the only time anyone spoke up was to complain about a wipe or to say they needed an item that dropped. Hell most of the time people would just afk while the group was forming or on the way to a dungeon. Us slogging through a dungeon is what builds community and social interaction, you spamming that you need a healer for strat and me messaging you that I’ll heal isn’t community building. I made more friends and built more community by grouping up for elite quests in the zone I was currently questing in then I ever did spamming lfg.


Like some others have said through the forum I think their major concern or question is “Will this addon become a NECESSITY to do anything in the game?”

Personally I won’t be using it, but I’m hoping it doesn’t come to the point you NEED the addon to be able to do anything (examples being OQueue and Open Raid in MoP)

I used to get whispers but only on my priest minutes after logging in. I guess groups couldn’t find healers and were doing /who priest all over the place.

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Who runs master loot in a five man? Anyone that agrees to that deserves to be rolled.

Yeah, I normally didn’t mind it since I like helping people but I’ve always been an RPer so it would get annoying when I was at an event and was constantly being asked to heal.

You’d be surprised. When someone has loot on “reserve” is when they use it.

But they should also let players know when the group is put together.

You don’t remember “LFG…x on reserve” ?

Honestly, I always preferred seeing the “reserve” groups because I knew to avoid that group. It was much better than getting into a group and someone ninja looting something me or my friend needed.

Nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

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Whoops you guys were right. Auto invite killed it for me. This is trash.

This needs to be banned.

Did the fact that they’re adding playable Dark Iron dwarves also kill it for you?

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or you could join that group if what they wanted to reserve didn’t pertain to you.

I did join some where warrior had something on reserve but I was a priest so it didn’t matter.

But some had resources “on reserve” that everyone could benefit from and I stayed away from those groups.

which I pugged dozens of dungeons and raids in MoP without using either.
And no it will never be needed.
It is 100% by choice.

Eh, I dunno. I guess some people are okay with it, but if there’s something I really wanted I just curated who I brought to the group to make sure no one else would need it. There’s always the chance a valuable BoE could drop and the master looter could just snag it.

Is it against any Blizzard ToS to create level 1 chars with this addon and just flood other people’s addon communications with requests?

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the key is…master loot should not be turned on until you get to the boss who drops it.

If you enter the dungeon and ML is set from the get go…big red flag

That’s a great thing. That’s not evil.

NOW the social interaction vanilla player see BfA as lacking begins.

No, this is wrong. Stop spreading misinformation.

It requires the add-on to communicate via chat channels. The add-on just hides those messages in your chat because the whole point of the add-on is to display those messages in the GUI.

You won’t see your own “LFM BRD” spam or someone’s “Mage LFG” spam, for example, because the add-on reads those messages, hides them in your chat window, and puts it in the add-on window instead.

The add-on is specifically designed to NOT exclude people who don’t use the add-on. Please stop lying about its functionality.

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It’s functionality is very basic actually.
It finds people to do dungeons/world bosses etc. with and nothing more, making it seconds (barely) quicker.