Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

I am still struggling with the how part of that…

You’re doing amazing, sweetie.

I did live Vanilla, also I’ve never played BfA or Legion. You’re an overreacting fool.

If you apply for a group through the addon you can set a note before you apply in which you can say whatever you want to.

Same with the addon. You set the note before you apply to “I would love to do UBRS”. He will then see you are a hunter on the UI (same as shift click) and can ask you the same question you described.

If I remember what the devs said this is only supposed to apply to dungeon loot as raid loot is determined by the guild/raid. Since for the most part PvE raids are done by organized groups that know each other, just trading gear isn’t an option. They might have changed their stance on that in the last week or so but I haven’t seen anything that would indicate that. Either way, it’s a system that didn’t exist in Vanilla, whether it’s dungeon loot, raid loot, or both. Which proves my point that things not in Vanilla can be added. Hence why moving goal posts on what is acceptable is dangerous when trying to maintain the spirit of what Classic attempting to achieve.

it also happened outside of the guild setting, which is what I was referring to.

I find all the discussions about communication to be interesting but ultimately moot point when it relates to what the addon does and COULD do in the future.

Auto invites features are nothing new, They were for raid assist back in the day via tells with whatever the word was for the invite. So functionality is a push.

Clearly auto chat spam is a net negative as its not a macro you or anyone in your group made or even typed once to copy paste into the chat channels. On servers the size that we are going to be at the idea of a bot adding to the spam of the chat channels is going to just be worse especially if you can just change the interval and walk away from your PC.

The biggest issue is that it can get Spec information with no communication from the player. If the add on can get spec information, it could also be deterministic about that information too. It just hasn’t progressed to that stage yet. I could easily see the addon start to allow people to Filter out specs or classes you dont want.

There is also no truth to the idea that “If you dont want it dont use it” Since as things like this get mower use it will simply become the defacto way to set up groups. For example i could easily see the spam feature being pointless once enough people are using the addon to create groups thus missing out on groups until you notice there’s a whole world of people doing instances that dont even bother to communicate in the over world.

While people can rewrite history to say that addons like this would have been hailed as great tolls in Classic the reality is that populations and population desnity was the reason we got the orginal LFD tools and X-Realm Bgs. People naturally wanted to be on large servers BECAUSE it allowed more groups to be made. LFD evened that playing field out across the battle groups to stem those issues. Clearly this addon isnt covering that its simply there for QOL. For what it offers and what could do it shouldnt be part of classic. If people dont want to play because they have to communicate via the in game systems and talk to other people … there is always BFA and radier IO.

Honestly if it doesn’t automate things, the addon would be fine.

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If I recall the proper response to those elitists was, ‘Go back to EQ!’ Or something along those lines.

Elitists have always plagued WOW.

What do you want different in the LFG addon? I don’t want it to auto accept anyone or be able to be ‘turned off’ in the general chat. Two things that are allowed, as per the creator, which I think will be not only be abused but would eventually make the add-on required. What specifics bother you? Just curious.

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it’s unfortunate that you think that, and I think that’s a very modern mindset (in regards to game) to have when addressing this issue. I think it’s pretty evident in this thread, and the many others that have been made that people are fighting for a system that allowed them to have a level of interaction with other players that an lfg system would otherwise cheapen. A level of interaction that cultivated a community of players that wanted to get to know eachother beyond “LF1M.”

Like I said, I can understand the appeal of a streamlined addon, especially for a player that would generally play alone. I think that shifting a defining feature of a game in order to appeal to convenience oversteps what the devs’ envision for Classic and its community.

it will likely be much worse now that everyone knows where everything is and all that.

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That was removed.

If I had the power, I would ban you from the game.


I filtered specs and classes anyway, especially if I didn’t want to compete for a particular drop. The UI doesn’t change that sort of narrowing of the pool.

it also happened outside of the guild setting, which is what I was referring to.

Of course it did. Your server reputation was everything in vanilla. Want to group efficiently? Join a guild, make friends, or be prepared to tell to the group leader why they should invite you over another player. Basic social interaction was required.

Again, the automated systems that reduce players to numbers on a screen or places in a queue are the problem.

You’re missing the point. The community of Classic to this day still does not agree on which pieces of gear are the most effective. What this means is that there is more than one predetermined path of gear progression for people to follow.

Classic wasn’t like retail where you can quickly look at a guide and know exactly which pieces of gear are the best for you. The community can’t agree on what’s best because there’s many viable options. Not because certain pieces of gear aren’t viable. (Though obviously some are in fact no viable)

It just that I actually experienced this version of the game before. Social interaction doesn’t flourish around making groups but actively playing with them. The add on is a convince but convince in and of itself is a good thing.

You are not going to notice a social difference between a person using this addon and one typing out “LFM”

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If you go AFK the addon will delist your group and stop posting in chat.

Like I described earlier, for now you can disable the talent sharing and in an future update it will be removed. You will then be able to just set your role after you got invited.

Now, with that being said, and understanding how people behave in retail, and make no mistake there will be retail players who play Classic with their current mentality,could you not see this feature being abused. A scenario if you will where just by seeing a class they just decline you without a conversation at all? Similar to how trying to queue for mythic dungeons or anything in the retail group finder works? In your experience, when queuing for retail dungeons, mythics, raids, etc if you get rejected do you usually get a message as to why? Because I’m willing to bet more often than not you don’t. And that’s the power this addon gives people, the convenience to avoid social interaction because it’s easier to just decline someone than have a conversation.

To be fair my earlier example isn’t going to always result in a nice friendly interaction. It just has more potential to as where this addon has the exact opposite potential, removing social interaction due to convenience.

I think that when there is less automation (teleports, dungeon finders etc) or simplification(gearscore, item acquisition) being an @sshole is harder. When you need to take time to manually find a group, ask for invite and get in location. You can gauge what people are like (how they write, what their gear looks like, how long it takes for them to get to location etc). And the fact that you get to know people on your server makes people to be on better behavior.

All those things take effort and time. More time and effort you put in to things, the more likely you are to try to stay in and not cause drama or be the “ruiner of fun”. Your reputation will follow you and if you are “that guy” it will get harder and harder to do things that require other people.

Whenever you get to play with people that stand out in positive light you tend to try and add them to form groups or even communities in future.