Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

I still can’t see why people have a hard on for forcing one member to spam trade chat…

Classic clearly is not for you.


Because “LF1M” is the beginning of the conversation. Having an addon automate the process get’s rid of everything that follows the “LF1M.”

Just because you don’t see the entire convo in public chat, doesn’t mean an interaction isn’t happening via whisper. Do people honestly think that looking for groups manually was just
“LF1M Tank”
“I am tank”
“/invite Tank”

I remember having actual discussions. Like if someone wanted to tank but didn’t have the best gear, would that be okay? Them saying they had experience on another character, and then that leading to another discussion.

That small, meaningless “LF1M” interaction leads to more meaningful interactions down the line.


Then you don’t want classic. You want retail.

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In a video that was posted today, it shows that you can configure the addon so that you don’t even post to any chat channels and that it can limit the group finding to other addon users.

This wasn’t discussed in your interview with Esfand. You said you wanted to include people that don’t use the addon but you built features that allows the user to avoid people that don’t use the addon.

Is this another bug or just another thing you willfully glossed over?

I don’t think you know what social interaction is… it isn’t spamming chat channels for people and it isn’t like your just going to suddenly not say anything in that pvp match.

This example is either funny or sad depending on how much you believe forming a group is some grand social experience.

Oh yeah no he definitely has the shady dealer persona.

Honestly it isn’t but this exact same system existed in classic with meeting stones and later refined in the burning crusade so somehow I don’t think im the mad one here.

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Understand this please: this was in vanilla, so if you want an Authentic Experience™, there’s no way you could want this gone.

I cannot be anymore clear than that.

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What kind of conversation is that…?

I am apparently a super social butterfly in wow if that counts as a quality conversation.


Actually it’s not. WoW has always been about conquering content, from taking your first steps into HFC or DM, all the way to stepping into Naxx. Standing around spamming chat channels is not what the game is about, it might have been how things were accomplished, but that wasn’t the intent of the game. Don’t forget, the meeting stones have been in the game since 1.3, they placed you into a queue for their corresponding dungeon, and in 1.5 they gave this ability to inn keepers.

And that’s where you’re wrong. Let me quote Raztos as he summed it up better:

So even though just a simple whisper and an invite MIGHT be the end of it, in Vanilla it often wasn’t. What Raztos describes above happened more often than not. If you have an auto invite system it removed those potential interactions from happening.

You wanted me to write out an entire conversation? lol?

You all use raider io to make groups, but are against an addon that makes group…

the hypocrisy is real.

We all use raider io in RETAIL to make groups, also I dont. So…


It… god this hurts its like trying to explain color to a blind man…

All of that takes place with this addon ignoring that you are going to be coordinated cc and pulls in dungeons like strat if you are doing baron runs.

People are not going to just be queue up and be done.

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And didn’t work most of the time, had to be revamped for 1.5, still had major bugs until 1.7 and eventually replaced by BC. As a result very few players used these to form groups.

No I just pointed out that is the entire conversation this addon removes. At max 4 sentences consisting of a whole 15 words or less.

It LEADS to conversation. Use your brain and think about the motions involved in something not just the surface cause in its self.

Honestly it isn’t but this exact same system existed in classic with meeting stones and later refined in the burning crusade so somehow I don’t think im the mad one here.

If classic isnt for you, then why are you trying to tell those who actually do want an authentic experience that they should just… abandon that? Thanks for admitting you’re just here to troll, i guess.

And no, this is NOTHING like meeting stones, LMAO.

You can also just put the group listed as UBRS as this is a 10 man dungeon. If you have the sharing disabled you will be displayed as “Level 60 Hunter”. If the group leader wants to know your talents he would need to text you and ask for it. But like I said this is only a band aid for now until the actual role selection feature is in.