Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

But before you are invited to join the group, you can display your role for the group leader to see in the custom window correct?

I clarified that, name is Raztos nice to meet you, not ‘other poster’ or ‘the hunter’. And auto joining a group, even a large custom one which can be abused to still make dungeon groups, is not something I, or many others it seems, agrees with.

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lol ok, so he can only be honest when you say its ok?

He is not allowed to make changes based on feedback like everyone else is allowed to?

So how ‘honest’ is your streamer being as trying to present something as a final version?

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How is this still going…

You all don’t have to be afraid I promise this group ui mode won’t murder classic.

I still don’t see a problem.

The Group Leader still needs to decide who gets in the group and you still need to get to the entrance manually. Those are the 2 features of LFD that hurt the game the most.

I don’t have a different version for classic of the addon no. But like I already explained, the auto invite was intended for custom groups as there is no point in using it for a dungeon and will be change before the release to reflect that.

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Not correct. But like I said, this will be a future update, for now you can disable the talent sharing in the settings.

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Get rid of it. End of discussion.



I still can’t see why people have a hard on for forcing one member to spam trade chat…

I really, think this is a issue of making a mountain out of a molehole.

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Traveling isn’t he issue, it’s the potential to remove social interactions from the game for the purpose of streamlining group finding. Removing social elements from the Classic experience flies in the face of what the Classic experience is supposed to be.

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I try not to directly name people a lot to avoid ‘calling out’, but fair enough, jsut that auto invite has been part of a few Vanilla addons, and the ones that we used for raids were never an issue with anyone.

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Why can none of you explain that one point to me… what interaction does it remove beyond spamming a channel " LFG for X?"

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Actually, macros could play the game for you because in Vanilla you could program where they made the decisions for you. Warriors had 1 button macos that made the decision on what ability to use and healers had macros that could decide which player to heal. Blizz eventually broke this, but I remember stepping into MC and BWL with macros like this still working, or the decurse addon that all you did was spam the button and it did the targeting for you.

You can disable it, but if I want to join a UBRS group that is listed in custom (since that can be a 10 man group for that dungeon) can I as a potential applicant CHOOSE to display my role for the group leader? Or can the group leader put a message saying to display your role or no invite, circumventing your disabling of the talent sharing?

It happens, certain issues you find yourself mostly agreeing with someone who you disagree with completely somewhere else, and it is funny to me, warms my heart though to see it happen.

He’s probably the most hated person amongst the classic Community. Getting him camped won’t be difficult.

I think the claim was that someone else made another addon?

Custom groups in this addon have an auto invite system, which means no communication. If you want to PvP for instance instead of sending out a message and having people respond and then you manually invite them, this addon does it for you with auto invites. So now you have formed an entire group without having talked to any of them, even if it was for them to ask an invite. That right there has removed a social interaction.

I mean standing in IF spamming the LFG, Trade, and General for 20 minutes that you are looking for a 2 more for strat ud run, need tank. I’m not saying people didn’t do it because yes for the most part that was how it was done if you weren’t running something with your guild, my point is standing there spamming a chat channel isn’t actually playing the game and thus not the spirit of the game.

you do know not everyone is going to play on a PvP server right?