Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

who to listen too, a streamer trying to drum up views for money or the addon creator actually explaining how it works ?


Fair enough. I see your point. You make perfect sense. I’m just anti-group automation then…And things like fishing bots. Bots aren’t add-ons, not even related to the discussion, I know, but that is where my mindset was as it related to automation.

ok so you are against bag sorting addons too?

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I’ll be honest, the auto invite feature alone should get it banned from Classic. The fact that in custom groups you’ll be able to see anyone who wants to join your group you’ve listed and pick and choose those members without talking to them (again a precursor to some of the retail systems we despise) is another red flag, even if you disable the ability to see builds. Ultimately the devs will decide. From the way you’ve described how it works and how it could potentially work, I can’t see the devs allowing this. And you can be sure people will be testing the ins and outs of this addon when classic releases to find any reason to report it and get it banned within the first week. I guess we’ll have to see.

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Hardly, you’re just splitting hairs arbitrarily. I can use DBM to have you, as raid assist, spam chat messages all day, and on automated timers. I can use oRA2 to mass invite guildies and randos alike, or setup a keyword.

And on… and on…


Someone provides an in-depth review to add to the discussion and this is the mewlings you come up with?

Dude, rofl!

Gameplay automation is strictly broken, like fishing bots, because it performed character actions (like moving or casting spells) for you. UI actions have been automated since day 1 and continue to be.

Updates OP - added new video and summary.

In summary:

  • It has an auto-invite feature
  • It will auto-spam chat channels (you and the invited party members)
  • It can communicate with other users of the addon WITHOUT posting anything to a chat channel
  • It will post your spec (how many points you allocated in each tree

Mewling* and yes, he’s an idiot drumming up drama. The angst over “you can make OTHER PEOPLE say things in CHAT!!” is the funniest because every boss mod does exactly that. On automated timers no less.

No i would rather listen to someone who isn’t trying to drum up views for money, someone like the creator of the addon ?

Especially since things like the talent view were explicitly removed, although other mods do that just fine.

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Yep, never used them. I can manage my own bags without having it automated. Now someone else on the face of it using that particular addon doesn’t really affect me so why not let them use that addon? Well here’s the problem, it has automation. So if I say that it’s ok to use it since it doesn’t really affect me then I’ve basically said I’m ok with “some” automation. And then you can push another example and keep moving the goal post of what is ok and what is not. At some point, if I concede some automation is fine and others are not I basically become a hypocrite. So in lieu of that, no, mail sorting addons should not be allowed either (even though they will be).

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Only for custom groups to enable grouping for large pvp events. Not dungeon groups.

Not true, only the party leader does that, if you saw something else happening that is a bug.

You can disable that in the next update. The goal of the talent sharing was to figure out if someone is a tank, healer or a dps. In one of the next updates there will be a feature to manually select your role. At that point the talent sync is going to be removed.

Edit: Fixed quotes.

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The creator of the addon had that opportunity during an interview two days ago and he decided to gloss over all of the worst anti-classic features.

Not interested in listening to someone who isn’t being honest with us just to save his project.


So you can manually set your role that the party leader will be able to see in the window correct? Before he invites you to the group?

and somehow messages from this addon are ‘spam’ being posted at whatever interval, and someone hitting his macro at the same interval is not?

no i just asked that other poster if he was against bag sorting addons since he was against ALL automation, point i was going for is what people keep going back to what the devs said and trying to equate that type of automation with things like the old healbot or decursive.

As opposed to the idiot stream using BfA to prove a classic mod does things the creator and mod page contest… for outrage clicks.


No, after you join the group both the party leader and the player can change the role. People can also not have assigned any role.

Sorry Stud, the moving goal posts wasn’t specifically directed at you, seemed that way since I was responding to you though. What I meant is that anyone for automation can try and use that technique to justify adding more and more, not you specifically :slight_smile:


Suu, your defenders are saying you have a different version for Classic than what was being tested.

I understand you will make modifications but are they being truthful that there are two separate addons, one for Classic and one for retail?