Herald, Dawnlight nerfed


  • Arcane
    • Arcane Blast damage reduced by 5%.
    • Arcane Missiles damage reduced by 8%.


  • Fury
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.

And it continues…

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Which is why it’s NEVER a good thing to be number one. You’re just asking for the nerf bat…

well heroic queen data is out, boss dam ret is higher end but still dwindling to the middle of the pack, this is pre wing bug fix btw. so its very clear that ret is gonna be mid or bellow mid as the season progresses

warcraftlogs com/zone/statistics/38#dataset=90&metric=bossdps

boss damage as you can see, with wings not spawning herald dot anymore nor giving crit, it stands to reason our aoe will go down drasticly as well no that people are gearing up and dying less.

i know its "doomer talk’ but again historically this shows why we shouldnt celebrate when ret is top end near the start of the expansions raid tier. it just high lights the issues and gaslights people into thinking ret is in a good spot when its realistically been mid all or bellow mid every season

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No it’s NOT clear. The data NOW is not what’s indicative of the future. Just ask Warriors and Mages. They just got hit with the nerf bat AGAIN just hours before the new patch. I’ve said this before: you’re kidding yourself if you think Blizzard’s done with tuning.

Right now we’re doing fine. Like Benmarch and I have been saying from jumpstreet when certain players were dooming and glooming at the beginning: just wait and have patience until more data comes out.

Players will always, ALWAYS die, whether it’s Raid or M+. It’s the nature of the beast. And our damage will naturally go up not because of tuning, but because of better gearing and scaling, which we have in spades. This is worth repeating: scaling is one of the best things that can happen to a spec.

Last season we scaled like $#!+, which is why Blizzard had to constantly tune us.

They’ve gone on record saying they realized this was a problem for us which is why they went out of their way to correct that mistake.

We’re doing well now, despite the nerfs we received for Mastery and Herald. Just be patient my Brother of the Holy Light.


Sacrosanct needs to go up to 20% shield upfront 10% healing 2% per target. Its literally a nonfactor that 10% shield gets eaten by a global in pvp

Yesterday I was fighting a monk over ore nodes LMAO. At 5% hp wog healed me for 435k hp… vivify healed the monk for 750k and expel harm from tiger palm (a PASSIVE EVERY FEW SECONDS) for another 750k no crits. Those two did close to 20% hp every few seconds while I was spamming wog and my health bar didnt move. Its absolutely trash. Wog costs two resources why is this bad? If herald has eternal flame dswnlight and beams to heal templar needs sacrosanct to be a lot bigger

No doubt. PvP is definitely a different animal.

Ret PvP healing has been aweful for several years. Our healing was, in fairnes, to strong with wings up Season 1 SL, continually nurfed since then. At that time WoG was a mini LoH with wings up, way over nurfed now.

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i didnt say blizzard is done with tuning, im just saying unless any tunin gis done, we’re gonna see ret drop off. we already see ret somewhat dwindling on boss damage, now with the bug fixes it’ll get lower. having crit and 90% uptime on crusade is rather impactful.

again yall put alot of stock on scaling. when the spec itself cant be tuned accordingly without making lowend ridicilously op like in sseason 3 and 4 of dragonflight.

i just want yall to know that our crit scaling end talent is only 1% ahead of burning crusade.

but ya patience i guess. im just giving early warnings of current trends

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Isn’t making seasonal projections based on the literal first week’s worth of heroic raid data… a little bit preemptive?


I’d appreciate that data now which shows this in contrast to data a few days ago.


If that’s how you see it, then I have nuthin’ for ya.

Yup. Benmarch and I was correct with the recent data on us and I’m betting we’ll still be okay. Patience, young grasshopper…

Fury warrior and Arcane mage got nerf but Ench shammy getting buff. They been perfomring very well too. So why no nerf?

Is this same old from blizzard where ret can’t be good and have to be beaten down?

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(Shakes head, reads Eviaeline’s post again)

Did you not see her EXACT words of…

Paladins always get nerfed, I remember when hunters were doing 37% more damage than the rest of all the other dps classes and in race for world first they were taking 4 hunters. They still nerfed paladins before hunters even when it was that out of balance. You think this is the last nerf for ret you forgot about the last 12 expansions, get ready for giga nerfs in the talent rework coming. They’ll sell it to you like it’s 27 buffs, but its really 38 nerfs with 3 buffs sprinkled in


And now, with today’s nerf to Dawnlight, Templar may once again rise majestically above its lessers as the Light intended.


Templar is now simming higher for me (2.1% Patchwerk, 1.6% Light Movement) than Herald for ST raid. It’s not that big of a gap as I’m not a cutting edge type of player and it’s mostly passive abilities in either tree, so flavor can be a consideration for others in the same boat.

Not saying it will happen. Just check warcraft logs tomorrow and filter one day. This will be data since the reset. Small sample size but might hint at any changes.

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in M+(at least m0 haven’t try andything yet hard yet as I got don’t have time for that yet) it feels like ret is doing just so so. HDH furry warrior I play can still do more damage. HDH have a short burst CD while Fury warrior have a longer brust CD on its abilities when they rip they rip hard.

Ret pallys brust damage can’t reach as high as a warrior or DH but the damage profile feels more more staple since we get wings every 30 secs so we always have a mini brust.

I am guessing that’s why ret is doing well in raids but in m+ is doing so so.

this is the worst type of profile to have fyi.

its not a “mini burst” its a spikey line of consistent damage. or spiky sustain. this is a new issue that will get worse if blizzard chooses to double down on it. like they have with holy.

idk why people want our main cd to stop being a cd. at this rate we’ll be tuned around wing uptime

Man, cataclysm ret sucked.

nah, according to some people here we are top3 single target in the game, so we deserved to be nerfed…lol