Bite your tongue.
It’s the best animation we have and I love it. Nothing defines paladin more that swinging a big-@$$ hammer and knocking foes upside the head.
Bite your tongue.
It’s the best animation we have and I love it. Nothing defines paladin more that swinging a big-@$$ hammer and knocking foes upside the head.
And to add to that effect, we get a shield that’s 10% of our health as well as a passive damage reduction from enemies from Wrathful Descent. Templar is all about passive preventative damage as well as healing.
No. And now we will be way lower, this nerf is big
im tired boss…
Being more semantic than literal, on every cleave fight its #1. Probably should’ve clarified better. As my normal runs before my heroic run tonight was pumping some major DPS.
Other than its FV then dawn typically. I don’t think the 15% will be a major nerf though.
Edit: typo
Yeah it’s just 2% something… upgrading 1 piece 13ilvls will probably offset it.
It’s a bug, normal dwarves uses the same animation but they still use normal melee attack animation. Only spin when crusader is used or the passive, it’s a bug and needs to be fixed for Earthen.
Ahhh, Earthen. Got it.
Honestly thinking about going back to enhance.
I thought enhance was suppose to be the abandoned child not ret. If my safe bet is getting nerfed so much and enhance getting buffs im just confused.
Im not worried, M0 wise at 602 I’m killing it.
This is not rocket science…
Play what you like—period.
If a person only plays the meta, they’re going to be disappointed every single time. No spec is immune to the dreaded nerf bat.
Just look at Fire mage, Death Knights, Fury Warrior, etc.
This is so random…
Where do you get such certainty about things like that?
Like, who convinces you that this will be 100% the thing that will happen and why are you listening to them?
Which thing ret nerfs for pvp or the enhance buffs in pvp
thats if you have people dying for instruments of retribution. which also gave you crit chance on top of haste and regular damage amp.
That enhance was “supposed to be the abandoned child and not Ret”.
How do you make that determination?
Its a joke casue enhance tends to not do well in pvp. They are always decent in tge first season then the healing gets nerfed and its back to garbage
Yeah, but Ret ST is already exteremely weak…
This is a big tinfoil conspiracy hat I am about to put on now, but in DF ret surpassed hunter as the most played class/spec in the game. I personally believe the devs wanted to make it trashier on purpose so the player base would be more likely to go to other classes.
Like why our all of our abilities range just about, but we have to run into the mobs anuss to interrupt? It’s meant to be annoying on design purpose to get people off this spec.
Absolutely agree with you. Blizz wanted the ret paly population to go down.
Im ok with this conspirqcy as long as they buff enhance more
I have no allegiance to either. Checked my time played on all my chars abd enhance and ret where my top 63 days played on ret 62 days plays enhance. Apparently without realizing it ive split up my time equally between the two