Helya is Trash

Yeah cuz the elves never did any crazy crap or other mortal races…

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Did someone say they didn’t? Mortals tend to solve their own problems, however. Dragons come to mortals and get us to fix their problems.

That’s another way of saying it was a bad idea for Tyr to experiment with proto-dragons, the act that opened the door for Galakrond’s corruption.

No dragons would mean Odyn remained as Prime Designate, which might have prevented Loken’s schemes and Odyn’s eventual betrayal of Helya. Keepers are no better than the dragons at any rate. They need us to fix their mess too.


Sure, but i just remembered one thing, you blame the dragon soul, but actually, the dragon soul was also a key thing into wining the War of the Ancients, and dragons also helped a lot to win that war.

Without the dragons in that conflict there is high chances the Legion would have won.

My problem with the reasoning is that we only have this reasoning because we are playing an MMORPG, the NPCs have to be incompetent and in need of help to a certain extent to justify our role. Imagine all dragon aspects, all keepers, were as the lore originally portrayed them, competent, powerful, demigods able to solve 99% of all problems themselves.

And for the 1%, forces that are simply greater than themselves are more necessary, where would there be room for us when it comes to the big picture, for us there would only be the small stuff they don’t care about because it’s not threatening to the world as a whole.


Yeah, its why i fonund it bit silly and bit unfair dishonest, in an rts or another setting, the dragons would have done the thing themselves.

But since its mmo : players must do all the job.


Blizz really went overboard with their idea of the hero.

It is not a simple Ally vs. Threat situation. The problem is not that the Dragons can’t solve every problem without mortals, but that they are causing problems that necessitate our intervention. Nothing about an MMORPG demands that every powerful entity be the source of continual, ongoing problems.

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Dragons have helped mortal races out a lot before…

The problem is actually the complete opposite. The dragon aspects CAN solve their own problems, but due to the nature of how MMOs work, the game demands that they don’t and that the player fixes them


And we can say the exact same with a lot of others characters, like well…the keepers, who also could have showed up in many occasions but did not.

Thats the same problem as people will ask “why the dragons are not in TWW nowthat they have their powers back”

Same goes with the keepers, and well, the answer is that, well, if everyone showed up, what the players would do?

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With the exception of night elves, most of the times the dragons help out the mortals it is because the mortals are cleaning up a dragon’s mess.

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The dragons who thought their “grand purpose” was to defeat Deathwing, who would have never existed had they never been?

Regardless, the problem continues to be that they are a source of endless existential threats when they’re supposed to be the defenders of Azeroth. Even if they singlehandedly solved all of these existential threats, the fact that they keep causing them continues to be a huge elephant in the room. Meanwhile, Odyn seems to have correctly surmised that mortals (albeit vrykul) held more promise than dragonkind. He just needed to wait a few millennia to be proven right.

I will reiterate: something being a consistent source of danger is a different thing entirely than wondering why they aren’t solving all the problems.

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So they don’t but if the game was written differently they would? Uh… yeah?

Besides stating my point back at me. Are you going to actually add anything useful or just parrot my own words, but worded slightly different?

My issue with your point is that this could be applied to anything, Dragons cannot solve their own problems, there may be a Doylist reasoning related to how mmos work but they objectively within lore cannot solve their own problems.

Your argument could be applied to anything, if I said “X character is evil” I could say “X character is evil only because Blizzard wrote them that way, if Blizzard wrote them in a completely different way they’d not be evil”

the dragons created no problems that weren’t already there cuz the Titans forgot to mention it to their creations and allies.

To be fair, the Old Gods were supposed to be dead or contained at the time. Them being able to interact with or influence those outside their prisons was something the Titans didn’t expect or plan for.

I’d lay Murozond and Deathwing at the feet of the Old Gods more than I would at the feet of the Titans, especially Neltharion. I’d lay Neltharion directly at N’Zoth’s metaphorical feet.

If a criminal does a crime and the police don’t stop them, the criminal is still more to blame than the police who don’t stop them ever can be, even where any blame can be given to those police.

Bad as he is, at least Odyn has the excuse that everything Helya did after he transformed her was of her own free will.

I wonder what the Titans would’ve thought of Odyn’s actions towards Helya if they knew? That said, they definitely would not support Helya after everything she’s done now.


Clarification: Contained. The titans and the keepers knew they weren’t dead, other than Y’shaarj. Just clarifying that they knew the others were not dead.

Post-imprisonment, I doubt anyone would have known at all the Oldies could interact with the rest of the world until the War of the Shifting Sands. Yogg’s interfering with the Forge to create the Curse of Flesh was explicitly hidden by Loken (as stated in Chronicles), so the other Keepers wouldn’t know. N’zoth conning Azshara into serving him would also not be a thing they learned about. Similarly, nobody learned until it was too late that N’zoth was influencing Deathwing.

It’s hard to blame the titans and their servants for not informing mortals about the threat of the Old gods when as far as they could know, there was no threat and the OIldies were contained. And by the time the threat was largely understood, the Keepers and Watchers had largely withdrawn from the mortal world, and the titans had been stabbified by Sargeras.

The only exception is the War of the Shifting Sands, and I don’t even think the Keepers were dealing with mortals much at the time.

But!! It’s worth noting the dragon aspects had some knowledge of the old gods (Deathwing’s corruption, WotSS above and the Bronze’s involvement, possibly Murozond) and also chose not to tell mortals about them. And they were actively interacting with mortals the whole time.

If we’re attributing blame based on not sharing knowledge, the dragons might have the largest parcel of blame here.

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It goes both ways. Idk why you guys feel the need to try and keep score of weird things. Azeroth the world soul empowered the dragons. We are also her champions. Dragon and mortals together both are azeroths. Y’all get so obsessed you make up these weird arguments.

“Things are going to be different now, Vyranoth. No more warping our babies in their eggs. No way, no time no how,” Alextrasza promised.

“Also, by the way, just for your information, just to let you know, we totally have to resurrect Tyr, the dragon eugenicist, the guy single-handedly(I’m low key proud of this one) responsible for the exact thing that kinda soured our relationship like… right now.”

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