Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Oh they definitely don’t understand it to the degree that a 24 year old can understand it (aka the age when neuroplasticity stops) but they know what toy is “boy toy” and what toy is “girl toy” and there’s nothing wrong at all with teaching kids that they can play with any toy that they want and it has nothing to do with being a girl or a boy.

Absolutely. You become the primary responder.

You say that as her brother. But if you are teacher or staff member who doesn’t know her as well you can’t be taking such risks. So either way someone has to be called. A responsible party would play it safe no matter what. Since staff are taught policy on stuff like that.

They could have called your mother sooner but Idk full details. And suicide a leading cause of death in certain demographics in our country. So you may not take it as seriously but trained staff should.

It’s like you didn’t even read what I typed.


Anyways, this is a Skinwalker thread and I’m done. I hope this bill passes so present and future parents don’t have to go through awful situations like my parents did. And sex ed will stay in the 5th grade and not before.


Notice how all of these people who are pro bill can’t differentiate their “you’re” and “your” :heart:

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Umm…sending thoughts and prays from Australia.

Does that help?

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That’s pretty hypocritical coming from someone who failed to use punctuation at the end of their sentence.


My heart was my punctuation :heart:

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Hearts are the new periods.

You are thinking in terms of immediate threats. But people often find ways to kill themselves without such things such as jumping off bridges or chemical substances (overdosing).

Health care providers have to ask questions like do you have suicidal thoughts?

Do you have a plan?

Depending on the answers given that may influence what you do. You may know she was kidding but like I said if you are responsible staff member you wouldn’t take chances. One lousy trip would be something little to worry about over someone actually killing themselves.

Speech Check: [Failed]


It’s okay to be salty. We can still be friends.

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In 16 years on the forums, I have never wanted to give more then 1 like to a comment until this one.

Well done.


This is important but will be seen as “stirring the pot” sadly . And to be honest there’s a lot of homophobes in WoW both closet and obvious ones.

it’s funny because you completely misunderstood the joke

Sex Ed when I was a kid in California was a requirement in high school. I took it in 10th grade. We learned about the reproductive system, contraception, and basically how not to get a girl pregnant so you don’t ruin your teenage life. No talk of anything outside of that. It applies to everyone.

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Agreed. I taught my daughter to shoot just as well as my son. She’s also enrolled in martial arts with him. :wink:


In 8th grade I told my teacher I wanted to kill myself. The school notified my Father and he enrolled me in therapy. Turns out I was just being a stupid 12 year old.

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Hormones and Puberty do that to teens.

All these issues like this leads to the other sector that often goes to jail because they suffer from MAP syndrome and should not be discriminated against either.

Makes me wish I was born in the 1920’s so this can be fiction to me.

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this thread had been wild, and there is no other way to make memes out of Floridians and Californians in here.