Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Good you weren’t being serious. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death with teenagers. The hormonal changes can effect everyone differently especially with unsupportive environments. Therapy also reduces chances of suicide. That is called preventative health.

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Oh jeesh,allow children their time to make their own minds up on where they wish to head ,stop rushing them to adulthood for other peoples pleasure ,gg.

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Lol - while the ordinary world is trying to support the Ukraines fight against the Russians… right wingers have chosen this moment to declare war on Disneyland.

We know how much they’ve been sucking up to the Russians for years, but honestly I don’t think a war on cartoon characters is going to distract the rest of us.

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In my experience that is when toxic parents instill their closed-minded beliefs into their children.
Or, force their religious beliefs.

I see no harm in telling kids that “timmy kissing jack is ok”.


is Tide Pods the first?

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It has “gay” in the title. It’s right there…
It says in the bill “sexual orientation and gender identity”, sexual orientation meaning you can’t mention anything about being gay or that gays exist. And gender identity means you can’t mention that trans people exist. So you can’t explain why someone in the class has 2 dads or 2 mums. We had the same bill in England that was taken down in 2004, weird seeing US going backwards.
The US is becomming more like the middle east everyday.

That’s anthropomorphizing animals, some of which need regular daily hunting exercise to be healthy… a lion does not have the same needs as a person for instance.

Funny cause the people who say what you are saying also enforce that hetreosexuality is the preferred way to be. Not buying it. Its not “rushing them.” Oh please. So if I learn about math and science is that “rushing me” to become a scientist? lmao


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this guy have a post or thread that wasn’t greyed out…

Accidents. Are the leading cause.

“Accidents” is rather vague.

By this same token, it can just as easily be called the “Don’t say straight bill.” How dare Florida keep schools from teaching kids about traditional relationships.

Or maybe we shouldn’t be teaching young kids about sexual matters, period. This is the purpose of the bill.


I would include tide pods in accidents.

First off to preface, I don’t think Blizzard needs to get involved with a Florida-Specific Bill. Disney literally has Disney World in Florida, which is why they are taking initiative.

Should Blizzard voice support for repealing it? Sure. But it’s not really their place to try to help repeal it, imo.

Fun Fact, this bill prevents:

  1. Teachers from mentioning or being visited by a spouse, regardless of their gender.
  2. Non-Co-Ed Restrooms (Which I personally don’t see as an issue with) as they are not allowed to teach kids what boys and girls are. I’ve seen plenty of videos on tiktok of teachers documenting the fact their schools now have to renovate to remove boys and girls rooms and make them co-ed. They have to alter anything that remotely mentions boy or girl.
  3. As mentioned above by another poster, kids cannot refer to each other, or be referred to with “He/Him” or “She/Her” pronouns, or refer to themselves as a boy or girl, without being at risk of disciplinary action, as this is referencing gender.
  4. Books that reference any form of gender, be it mother, sister, etc. can’t be taught, because if a kid asks what that word means, the teacher can be fired for explaining it. Likewise, a kid can get in trouble for saying “mom” or “dad.”
  5. Require disciplinary action for any sign of affection between 2 students, be it same or opposite gender. This is as simple as a hug or holding hands. Something as I’m sure you know, kids do a lot.
  6. Require disciplinary action if kids mention they have 2 parents, regardless of their gender. (Because this is bringing up a sexuality)

And MANY other outrageous examples of things this bill bans.

EDIT: Oh, and my favorite part? If a girl has her period start early (it’s possible to start as young as 8), the school can’t help educate her about it.

It is a VERY generalized bill that prohibits ALL gender or sexual orientation talk, not just gay, non binary, trans, etc. If you can’t see why that’s a problem, that’s on you.

The bill is anti-gay however, and called the “Don’t Say Gay” bill because they did it this way so they can pass it. Because if they strictly tried to outlaw talking about something other than heterosexuality and male/female, they would be struck down as unconstitutional. So instead, they’d rather cause EVERYTHING to get banned.

Apparently you have missed the mass exodus of teachers quitting their jobs in Florida because they don’t want strikes on their teaching records for things like this. Teachers are outright afraid of being sued for teaching. If you don’t believe me, a simple google search will show you.


The fact that such a bill came into being shows the amount of hate and intolerance alive and well in the United States. “Make America Hate Again” has been the real slogan since 2016. Racist crimes and worse have increased tenfold so hang on tight.

“Don’t say gay” is not the official title of the bill. :laughing: That is just what critics who are trying to make something out of nothing have called it.


lol thought so. So the stupid tik tok fads are the leading cause of death amongst teens? In some ways the Internet and related tech made things better and in other ways worse. Yes more ideas can be shared, but that includes the truly stupid ideas as well as the good ones.

I absolutely 100% support this bill and think every place a school exists in the United States needs this bill.
I’m sick and tired of the left indoctrinating our children into their perversion.
I will never support disney movies again either.
All a bunch of sick perverted people.


The vagueness makes it rather easy to sue a teacher. That is problematic.


Exactly why teachers are resigning en masse in Florida.

They are genuinely afraid of being sued.

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