Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

To me you’re just talking about 2 seperate issues.

Issue one: counselor incompetence

Issue two: a minor’s right to mental health confidentiality.

We should not remove a minor’s right to mental health confidentiality ever.

They understand that they are being conditioned to recognize things labelled as "boy’ or “girl” rather than anything inherently “natural”. Long hair and dresses aren’t biologically “girl.” That’s something consumerism enforces to sell more things. Lol. That’s why “girl” shampoo costs more too.

It’s skinwalker. It is a troll/bait thread.


Teaching that regressive stereotypes determine your gender identity is absurd.


Two grades is a long time lmao. The difference in curriculum and skills learned in that time is crazy. All of which are more important than societal issues

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My thoughts exactly. Just two grades.


The mental health access alerts are all grades.

That doesn’t stop misinformation from being spread as we see with adults. Nor there intentions of sabotaging future generations of learning history. We know that adults already misuse the internet regularly. The schools are supposed to cheat how to find genuine information and learn how to know if an information source is reliable.

Not really. The bill goes into what schools can and can’t do with a parents consent. It covers physical and mental health so it’s not separate issues.

That’s not what my example was about at all. That school took my 12-year old sister three counties away to a mental health facility without saying one word to my mother or father about it. In my opinion that’s kidnapping.


No. Keep your political garbage out of my game.


When I was in the K-3 grade range I wanted to be a T-Rex. Kids in that range are not mature enough to be taught about sexuality other than what is a boy and what is a girl. The correct answer to “Why does Billy have two mommies?” for a 6-year old is “I’ll tell you when you’re older. In the meantime, be nice and treat Billy with respect. Do not tease or make fun of him.”

Also, you are completely nuts if you allow your 6-year old kids unsupervised, unrestricted access to the Internet. For most of my childhood, my computer had to be kept in a communal area of the house, and I got my first cell phone the day I graduated high school.


I’m going to have to disagree here. I see no evidence that average parents are engaging in some conspiracy to cover up certain historical facts for the sake of a political agenda. Even if they did, that would be laughably futile considering the children would stumble upon a plethora of history books, scholars, and online sources that couldn’t possibly all be swept under the rug.

I swear I did not pay him.


you think 5yo’s have metacognition? hilarious. that happens about a decade later.

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If your sister said she would killherself then it would be a medical emergency. And the parent would be notified during or after it was done. Mostly so the school wouldn’t be liable if something like that actually happened.

Your sister admitted she was kidding but it is considered an emergency for suicide prevention.

Watches Operation Mockingbird media.

I support the current thing!


I don’t know the context but suicide threats always need to be taken seriously because if you ignore the 1 out of 10 jokes then you can be charged for criminal neglect.

Tell me you have no idea what child cruelty actually is without telling me.

Again, that’s fine. We all would have been enraged if she said that to someone at school and ignored her.

However, a 12-year old kid with no means to kill herself is not a medical emergency. She’s sitting right in front of you, with no weapon in her hand, she’s not standing on the ledge of a building or holding a gun to her head.

They should have called my parents and said come to the school or come to the facility, not wait several hours later then say “yeah we took your kid to Panama City today. You need to come get her now.”

You tell me with a straight face (metaphorically) that that wouldn’t make you angry.

Now, from reading that bill, the school wouldn’t have been able to do that without talking to my mother first.

p.s. I keep saying my mother because she was a stay at home mom. Of course my dad was involved with this too.


The teachers literally shouldnt be saying a single thing about their sexuality… they’re there to teach whatever subject they teach. Not shove their sexuality down the throat of impressionable children

This goes for people who are LGBT and straight, and same applies to politics, whether you agree with their politics or not


I agree but you would also be pretty shocked to see how many people younger than 6 have smart phones with no age restrictions. It’s kind of a problem.

Yes if someone admits to you they want to kill themselves some places don’t let them leave and you have to call someone. And depending on where you work you can be sued for not doing that if something happens.

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