Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

So when a teacher comes in super pregnant, are they not allowed to talk about it?

“Ms. Shirely, how did you get so fat??”

“Well you see, I cannot answer that or my butt is gonna get suuuuuuuued.”


7/10 i laughed

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Looks good to me. :man_shrugging:t2: My children are not the school district’s children. They’re paid to teach them reading, writing, math, science, and history. Sexuality and morality are my job.

I’m so thankful I can afford to send mine to private school because I see the stuff they allow in California public schools and it’s appalling. It wasn’t that way when I was a kid.


It just isn’t, and people are liar liar pants on fire. This bill is not about explicit reproductive sex ed in elementary school. They banned the freaking genderbread person, lol.

It’s a horribly written bill and it will lead to a lot of suffering for straight, gay trans, and cis kids alike.


Are we talking about teachers or priests right now?

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I hope some of y’all don’t hate me for saying this but I just read the 7 page bill and it sounds like a good thing.

If I’m reading it correctly, it sounds like they are prohibiting the school from doing anything with your kid and not telling you about it and as someone that grew up in Florida, that is a real problem.

My sister got mad at my mom over something and she told the school that she was going to kill herself. Of course she wasn’t, she even admitted that to me later, but she did it just to stick it to my mom. Well, without telling my mother, they took her to a facility in Panama City (40 minutes away) and admitted her. Then hours later they called my mom and demanded that she go and pick her up.

It sounds like this bill would put a stop to nonsense like this and the whole “don’t say gay” thing is just a tiny part of it that only effects children that are too young to even know what sexual orientation is. I know my kid didn’t ask me “body” questions until she was much, much older.


/looks at the date and at the post count.

Wanna know the biggest irony that stares u in the face but the people who support the bill don’t realize? Two bi parents of the opposite sex are STILL part of the LBGTQ+ community…. Meaning a guy and girl who are both bi and happen to be married and have kids… where would they fall in this bill? Have yall thought of that? Theres alot more bi people than there are trans so its a realm of possibility. I.e. more bi erasure. :slight_smile:

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Weird how you bring up Disney for some reason as if they’re some sort of beacon for morality lol. They could care less about the mistreatment, (camps) for Muslims in China because they get a disturbing amount of money from them, ntm all the other disgusting things they practice.

But yeah sure, not being able to teach kids who are still trying to grasp learning simple math and reading, about trans and gender stuff is just so awful

Bill doesn’t even contain the word gay btw


Both, my great uncle unfortunately was one who was abused by a priest. And an organization covering it up is extremely wrong especially when part of the teachings is to bring it to light. (Also arguably the Catholic church is one of the most corrupt organizations throughout human history).

The pink and the blue toy aisles in walmart already teach kids about gender expectations and they understand that plenty.

Disney is evil.


With all due respect, it’s 2022. Kids have access to more information in the palm of their hand than in anytime in all of human history.


They understand that there’s boy and girl lol. At MOST they can begin to learn that some people feel like something they aren’t. And even that, should be reserved for a later point in time, as well as reserved for the PARENTS to explain that information to them. If a parent doesn’t want to, then that’s their prerogative. The kid will learn about it eventually anyway.

Just go ahead and admit that you want to groom children lol. Anyone with a sane mind won’t see a problem with this bill, since the kids mentioned are YOUNG and should be taught stuff basic stuff like numbers, reading, etc.


Big true



Have you read the bill? It has nothing to do with your parents both being bisexual. In any case how many bi-couples chose to be monogamous and produce a child with one another? Unless you’re talking adoption in which case still has nothing to do with the bill. Are you insinuating that there are a bunch of kids with bisexual hypergamous parents? I don’t get what you’re trying to convey at all.

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Thank you. I was going to mention this, but you did. Kids nowadays have access to so much information, and so much exposure to anything. Be it good or bad, due to social media and some other outlets.

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97 3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third
98 parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur
99 in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age
100 appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in
101 accordance with state standards.

Honestly they snuck that in and it’s a bit problematic. It’s like extremely vague. And could be misinterpreted misused very easily. Especially since the teacher/schools can get sued for it.

Especially if the teachers themselves are lgbt. They won’t be able to talk about themselves lol.

Only thing in my kids palm is a book or a pencil unless I’m supervising. They’re not allowed to own a smart phone.


I know this was along time ago, Stone Age of the 90s, but back then we got sex ed in the 5th grade in Florida.

So… the bill is just making them wait two grades? Is that really worth all this drama?