Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

It was already reported and hidden.

There’s a huge difference between “censoring” and “viewer discrepancy”. To conflate the two is like saying that society is censoring the human body by prohibiting children from going on explicit sites. Come on dude.


As you wish.


People who don’t wanna learn but wanna yell and shout and control the world’s children with an iron fist with no chance at giving them respect or privacy or access to confidentiality.

My heart goes out to people in Florida.

Because they’re the ones who actually tend to groom kids in churches from a young age. :slight_smile:

(No offense to christians who don’t suck.)

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Mama Mia! This is turning into one a SPICY thread! :fire:

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And you found one in widescreen. Perfection.


It’s the same thing. Like not wanting to teach the history of America. They just want to censor stuff that makes them look bad >.>

But I guess they pick and choose what’s cancel culture.

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Umm teaching kids about anything having too do with any sxual content is kinda screwed.
Alsoooo wow forum, hmmm but this is April 1st, am conflicted.


Lol yikes…


Floridian here. You can keep your sympathies. Most of us are happy with our governor.


Soo you are for grooming…
Kinda questionable there fren. Oh and by kinda I mean severely.


Well, aren’t we talking about parents here? I don’t think you can rightly say “they” because while the politicians that support passing these bills may be largely conservative, if I’m not mistaken, it was everyday parents pushing against certain policies installed by their school boards, which were incredibly divisive and downright disgusting in some cases.


Let the kids be kids. They don’t need to know about that junk until they are 12.


I think there’s a big difference between teaching these topics to 4-9 year olds than middle and high school students.


Weird, I had an encounter once in my middle school. I brought up the moon being created from the Earths mantle from during it’s early stage of creation. Asked it because our science book talked about it and was curious. Girl next to me said that’s not possible because God created everything to which the teacher agreed with her and left it there. Would go into further details, just, God made it.

10/10 education from good ol’ Kentucky.

Guess we all have different experiences huh?


back when i was a kid, we did’nt care about gender… except y’know, hating the other gender, but that’s how all kids are, thinkin the other gender is icky.


What is grooming about teaching kids stuff that happens?

I was too worried about the next episode of Power Rangers lol.


Cooties are real and a real threat.

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Mood. I think they were airing… Power Rangers Wild Force at the time. Good times.

If you look at similar bills being passed around the nation you can say some parents are going for censorship of lgbt and the erasure of atrocities done in past centuries to teach stuff that happened to native americans and african americans. Overall I think it’s very much censorship and wanting to keep the future ignorant of such things.