Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Also the Bill is only 7 pages long, its not a colossal 3000 page document.


And completely4 irrelevant to the point. Just because a 5 year old asks a question doesn’t mean they’re capable of understanding those concepts. Don’t be daft.


No it’s not. If a kid is asking you the question, ya answer outta respect the best you can. Kids are not stupid dude.

Wtf is this conversation lmao

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that’s not how parenting works… at all.


I don’t even know how to respond to this. Have you folks conversed with 5 year olds before??

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They’re the kind of parents who think evolution needs to be banned from science classes because evolution is evilution.

That is legitimately what it seems like.


i might have an actual depiction of said exchange.

TW: language. implied violence.


The law is so vaguely worded and spiteful it is truly scary. There is no standard of what can or can’t be discussed at any grade level. And the worst part is it puts the power in the hands of vindictive parents who can sue over any semi-vague reference. It’s modeled after the vigilante anti-abortion law in Texas and the anti-gun law in California.



And the other half of the time its the school or other kids there that are also the issue…

Its not one dimentional. The reason my nephew is in the depression hes in is because he feels alone at school and with 4 brothers he also feels ignored.

Its a bit of both and bringing this to his parents attention they now are making steps to try to do more together with him to help relive the depression and self harm which could lead to worse things.

Mental health needs to be brought into the light if its to be treated and make the sufferers find respite…


There is no other choice to but to assume you’re a troll at this point.
The stupid is too purposeful.


I’d argue parents overhearing teachers on tablets at home during covid lockdowns are what spurred this.

Heck, in the ‘90s teachers were pushing their personal ideologies on us. It’s not anything new. It’s just out in the open now.


Ughh it’s not enough that liberals are ruining the world but now you wanna ruin the forums


Ain’t y’all showin’ ya cards. It’s a honey pot. :+1:


Well, Skinwalker is notorious for kicking the hornet’s nest that is GD with controversial bait like topics.


Someone post a picture of a hooked fish so I can exit the premises, please.

How do I report a buried thread?

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I came for the beating, I stayed for the cheeks.


YUP! I had a teacher back in 2008 (middle school, in MA) who said if you parents aren’t voting for Obama there racist. Also had a teacher who was a staunch conservative but he actually went into why he disliked Obama on his policies and bills he has endorsed. The conservative was my US History teacher who taught us to think and look at both sides while the other was my English teacher.

Just food for thought.


I don’t know why conservatives always want to censor lgbt information… aren’t they always complaining about getting canceled. And they cancel others very frequently.