Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Girl, 5 year olds speak complete sentences.


They’re not though. Even gender is reinforced at an early age. There’s 0 things biological about “girls have long hair and like dresses!”

Infant is age 0 to 1 lmfao.

People have fallen for the grandstanding done by politicians to gain popularity. There was never a need for any of these ‘don’t say gay’ bills because it wasn’t being taught in the first place. Same thing with critical race theory.
The politicians have made up a boogyman for people to rally around when in reality it’s all ado about NOTHING.

Also this:


Y’all ain’t treating kids with respect, they’re not as dumb as y’all are making em out to be.


Yes, yes you are. Groomer.


a better question is: Why do we need this teaching in the curriculum? I’m sure they’ll figure it out eventually. perhaps we should teach them how compound interest works, since they’re going to spend their whole lives paying it.


That’s really my only argument against this bill: it seems mostly pointless. I highly doubt there are teachers trying to explain sexual orientation to kindergarteners lol.

Way to miss the point. I’m sure it’s a joke but it points out the hypocrisy of anything heterosexual being fine in the classroom while anything else is banned. A male teacher couldn’t mention his husband. Books couldn’t have any same sex couples or any gay characters. Etc. Etc. But then, I’m sure that’s what y’all want so I’m sure missing the point was intentional.

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This is fair – for the kid with said parents. But what about kids who have straight parents?

What I first thought of is bullying. It’s not bizarre that a 3rd grader might bully a classmate for having 2 moms. Any other type of bullying, the bully is informed about WHY their actions are wrong. A kid keeps getting too close to another kid or touching them and we tell them about personal space and privacy. Easy.

But for that kind of bullying, with no room for discussion, what happens then?

“Tommy, you shouldn’t say that to Kyle!”
“But Kyle has 2 moms and that’s stupid!”
“No, Tommy… uh… it’s… not… It’s not nice to say that!”
“But you can’t have 2 moms that’s so gay and dumb!”
“Well you see Tommy… uh… hmm…ask your parents why it’s not nice.”
“What?? My mom is the one who told me that being gay is dumb and wrong!”


“Gay and trans people exist and humanity has a variety of lived experiences than just cis and straight” is not the same things as preying on a child you absolute trash.

Like Staragosa said, this is purely a grandstanding bill.

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So whys the mental health alert to the parent an issue to you?
It would help seek aid to a kid whos maybe suicidal or depressed… My own nephew was diagnosed with depression and self harm and the school brought that to his parents attention.

This could also stop school shootings. Stop ignoring mental heath it needs to be talked about and brought to the parents…keeping it private? You know most kids at those ages wont want to talk about it as feeling guilty or thinking I’m fine?

I kept my own depression and anxiety disorder issues from my family all through childhood because of stigma.

Keeping it private only hurts more in the long run.


So? It doesn’t take away the fact that they’re children that they’re in development. And for those who are seeing this deal with that Infant is age 0 to 1, I’ll bring a dictionary for you all.

Definition of infant

(Entry 1 of 2)

1**:** a child in the first period of life

2**:** a person who is not of full age : [MINOR]

Definition of infant (Entry 2 of 2)

1**:** intended for young children

2**:** being in an early stage of development

3**:** of, relating to, or being in [infancy]

It’s not only “ONE” definition.

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There is a word for that…


They are “children”

Why that is hard to understand is beyond me.
Perhaps I just have a different mindset. Infants in my view are when they are not self-sufficient, can’t walk, talk, or use the bathroom on their own.

then they become “Toddlers” where they start to show independence, learning to walk some words here and there… potty training.

Kid, a 5 year old is not an infant.

Jesus this is such a stupid argument lmao.


Because enough times a parent is the direct cause of the abuse or trauma. Social workers know this. That’s a major point of confidentiality.


Actually it was being taught, very few teachers albeit not a majority.

It’s like with signs you see at a park or “Dont look at sun with Binoculars/telescope” its because at least one person did it.

And yes there are teachers who want to teach 3rd graders how to jerk off. There are sexual orientation summer camps now where its teaching 3rd graders how to have safe sex. 8 year olds shouldn’t be learning how to have sex or look at p***.

Because there are a handful of sicko’s out there thats why anti-grooming bills are passed.


The fact you’re focusing on the number and ignoring the point that a child is in no position to understand the concepts of gender and sexuality says a lot about you.


A 5 year old is nothing but a bottomless pit of questions.

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The people who against this bill haven’t read it and are just repeating what the woke idiots are saying.

Those that are for it. Morons like Ron Pearlman etc. I would be wondering why and maybe check their browser history.