Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

My parents never taught me that stuff. Didn’t find out I liked dudes till I was a teenager. I guess knowing that was a thing would have helped. And things like asexuality and other stuff. I remember being homophobic too at a young age.

People used to pick on this trans kid in our school. Now that I think about it, I wish they hadn’t, and the schools taught us stuff like that.


where’s Mr Garriot when you need him? and Mr Slave? i feel they could explain this one. remember when he was trying to get fired? (I am NOT linking it)


K - 4th grade = infants?

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an adult playing a tauren just decided what age children is appropriate for the exposure to this topic…


Florida needed a law to not teach sex ed in kindergarten?

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Children who still run around as dinosaurs do not need to be taught the concepts of gender and sexuality in school. If you think so you have serious issues.


Hardly as I dont see any lie as stating exactly what the bill says is fact lol youre the one mad but sure carry on :laughing:


Im not the one calling a 5 year old child an “infant”

also please show me where I said anything along the lines of

how about we forget about our differences and just celebrate being gamers in general

But that’s what they’re though. They’re infants. Let them play with dinosaurs, dolls, or puzzles. Whatever they might like.


You’re insinuating they’re old enough to be taught concepts that adults on this very forum can’t even come to terms with and taught by people are who not trained whatsoever to teach them these concepts. Try not to play dumb, it’s not a good look.



Teaching that families don’t look like only one thing is for the kids who don’t know it can look like other things who need to know that the world is bigger than their own experiences. Families can be 1 mom, 2 dads, traditional nuclear families and so on.

Another big problem with the bill is that it alerts parents when any student in a school receives mental health services. This makes it so kids can never have privacy about mental health issues at a school, even when they may have bigoted parents.

Another issue is that it opens the door for parents to sue a school district for teaching any curriculum they don’t personally like. Which is insane for people who have no training on a subject matter.

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Instead of this teacher pushing this drivel at these ages, they could merely do what countless numbers of teachers have done for decades and call the child by their name.


Genuine question. Is that from Facebook, or is it from an email? One can’t never know. And plus… they’re way too young to even understand such notions. Hell, even some adults have problems trying to understand it, and we think toddlers will understand it.


Speaking from experience?

I Insinuate nothing aside from your lack of understanding English language.

It just boggles me that you see a 5-9 year old child as an infant.
Makes one believe you are just ignorant as to what an infant is.

It’s fake, and incredibly stupid to boot. Mother/Father and pronouns like He/She has nothing to do with being gay lol. If you have two Mothers, their titles don’t suddenly change into something different.


Way to miss the point… although I appreciate you highlighting why you should be on ignore.


Then what are they, in your eyes? Fully developed people? They’re infants. They’re in their childhood, developing.

Kids should be taught how families look like. There are so many family types in america. Sexual orientation is already taught baseline, the male/female one. That gets unscathed. Kids show know how social structures look like in there society. The adult stuff is taught later.

Anyways I remember by like 5th grade I was dissecting frogs… and learning stuff about biology and reproductive systems of animals and germs. It’s just science stuff. Sexuality is a part of the social sciences.