Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Then we should be banning cinderalla as well for getting with a prince. What is wrong with you? :roll_eyes:


If the 6 year old knows what their parents are, why would the school need to discuss it? Seems better to acknowledge them as their parents rather than their gay parents. One implies normalcy, the other not so much.



6 year olds don’t need to know the reason why someone has straight parents or gay parents.

Yes, Jimmy has two dads, doesn’t need to be discussed further. 6 year olds don’t need to know that his two dads are attracted to men and would rather do the dirty with each other instead of with women.


You realize the bill is focused on keeping parents informed on what’s taught in school and its fine acknowledging same sex… It the teaching of sex ed itself thats restricted to later grades… Its not that hard to read it…someone literally posted the bill.

I dont understand the outrage other then you dont actually understand what your mad about…


That triggered me. Zoo animals get better treatment than most people on the planet ever will get. I volunteered at a Zoo as a kid, I saw the wonderful medical and enrichment programs that Zoos do to keep their animals alive and healthy.

Zoo animals are probably like spoiled royal children if anything.

I oppose the law, but this really is not the venue for this discussion.


What if those parents want to teach hate and discrimination against other students that might be different? There should be inclusive standards, which this rigid bill doesn’t do.

The bill bans any discussion about LGBT families at all whatsoever through third grade so you’re just lying, lol.


our education system is a joke i don’t particularly want them discussing these types of topics. i’m gay my kid knows think i can handle it better myself. least post is gone.

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let’s not jump to conclusions. maybe it’ll be benficial in ways we don’t think of right now. let it run its course.
someone thought it’s a good idea.

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“Put hand on stove” has a very predictable conclusion.

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Some kids have gay parents. Not like teaching that to kids would be a bad thing since kids younger then that have gay parents…

That bill is so silly.


Yeah ive read the bill many times and nah thats still not at all what its about.

The liar seems to be you. It specifically restrains teaching on any orientation key word any. Straight incluced. Not sure why people want k-4th grade learning about bedroom stuff and conflating that with only a same sex orientation thing…
You seem to be ignoring the keyword ALL before sexual orientations.


Then their parents are in a perfect position to teach them. Not some random stoner who wanted summers off.


“Rando teacher”?
Wth is that? Do they just pull some teacher off the street?

Remember: 5 years of specialized learning makes you a rando stoner compared to a parent who doesn’t work and pushed a kid out of their bodies who is now an expert on what is best for the kid who won’t talk to them in 20 years.

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Unless you’re personally running background checks on every teacher your child has, yes their randoms.

My cousin is a teacher, I know exactly what type of “training” she received. You’re either fully delusional or enjoy lying. K-4th grade teachers are not provided the training needed to properly educate infants on gender and sexuality.


You got caught in a lie and moved the goal post. Bigots stay mad.

Anyway, video game forums.

I’m pretty sure any kid with gay parents know prior to going to school that their parents are gay and sed parent are in a far better position to explain that situation to their own kids.

Let’s give LGBTQ parents some credit for being able to parent their own kids too