Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Florida people will pay for those court cases and stuff. Its just the principle thats disturbing on that one issue.

The other stuff is fine.

But conservatives tend to sneak stuff like this into there bills all the time. And is often on there public agendas.

Especially with all the censorship they are working on banning old books so there kids don’t learn about proper history.

Well in the case of the poster’s sister, if that was the case, then it is not kidnapping, if that was not the case, then it was kidnapping. What’s the statute of limitations on that?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

A psych evaluation has to be done for people that threaten to kill themselves. That was probably the closest facility where a person can perform that evaluation.

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I explained the problems I was having in my area, and the steps I took to stop it from affecting my kids.


In reference to homeschooling.

I do not live in Florida, so I am just as in the dark.

From most of my experience, if the thing you are looking for leans to the left, and shows them in a negative light, its like searching for lice. The bill didn’t just materialize out of thin air for no reason.

All of these things you mention are also done by progressives. In fact when it comes to old book banning, that is progressives. A conservative would ban new books. By definition. :slight_smile:


Alright, I’m out… talking to a brick wall here.

Progressives want to teach history so it doesn’t happen again. :thinking:

We must learn from our mistakes. Not condemn future generations from repeating stuff we already learned.

Both parties do this, don’t know why you singled out conservatives for this.


My man were you here during the LGBTQXYZ threads? No joke same dude was making 5 plus troll “pro LGBTQ post” in like an hour sometimes and mods were scared to even remove some bad bait.

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I have to disagree with you there, hoss. Progressives and conservatives want to each teach their version of history. For instance, without looking it up, what happened at Wounded Knee in December of 1890?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

LOL, yeah no. They are among some of the worst offenders when it comes to conveniently ignoring details of events to remove all context from historical events. Ask a teacher who is clearly progressive with their curriculum what caused World War 1. They will immediately tell you “Nationalism”, despite being a result of World War 1, not a cause of it with the actual cause being a series of treaties between nations to engage in wars on the other’s behalf. So a conflict between two small nations brought in all of their allies who had nothing to do with it.

Or you could simply ask them the original name of the party that became the ruling party in Germany as a precursor to World War 2. Or even better, ask them what events deliberately led to their rise in power. Hint, it has to do with Weimar Germany, the two political sides becoming even more extreme, and anyone in the center being forced to pick a side or risk alienation by both sides rather than being left alone. Kind of like what we’re experiencing today.

I will give, they might tell you the actual name of the party, but they’ll immediately follow it up with “But they weren’t really Socialist. Just in name only.”

Or you know, the other times Socialism has outright failed in nations “not being true Socialism so the next time it’s totally different.” When Venezuela in the early 2010s was held up as the gold standard of how Socialism would work in a country, now they want nothing to do with it. Bernie completely flipped Florida RED because he decided to tell FLORIDA, you know, the place with A LOT of CUBANS that “Fidel Castro wasn’t really that bad, his policies had some good.” when they risked life to escape on anything that could float.


Conservatives, by definition, conserve. They would be against new books or edits to old ones which might challenge the status quo.

Progressives, by definition, progress (but not necessarily in positive directions). They would be against old books in favor of new or edited ones to challenge the status quo.

Your bias one way is distorting your view of who does what, and by what they call themselves, versus what they are actually doing. This is why I try to avoid the term “liberal” because those who call themselves liberals, are often not particularly about liberating. Both of the above actions would be anti-liberal.

I suspect you just don’t know what “implicit” means, versus “explicit.” :slight_smile:

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I don’t know all the legal details. But I was whisked off to a facility pretty much right away, and held there for 72 hours.

You have the same folks wanting to preserve slave owner statues and want to ban books from being taught or shown in schools.

Maybe, I do recall something like that but not 100% certain.
No surprise though with how things have been going.

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Shh! If I erase said history, then that event in history didn’t happen… RIGHT !?



I have not read up on that but the trail if tears and genocide of native american people is something conservatives often want swept under the rug.

Ya it was bad and very obvious, pure pot stirrer that really needed a ban but found a loophole of “saying bannable things under a thin pro lgb mask.” There was a 3k post thread called “Anduin should be gay” that ofcourse was troll and radioactive and instead of deleting it they just moved it to the story forums since they were scared to 404 that toxic waste of a thread.

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Maybe that’s why that one blood elf hunter or maybe void elf hunter who always has to announce he’s gay in 90% of his posts with either a rainbow emoji or outright saying it is still allowed to continuously make bait threads with no repercussion.

The Progressive movement has become so progressive that’s it’s actually regressed back to relying on raw tribalism to survive. It’s gone full circle.

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