Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Umm this is MAP related and I have constantly been told LGBTQ+ and MAP are NOT related.

Being LGBTQ+ is fine and not a part of this bill.

Adults having sexual conversations with K-3 children and telling kids not to tell their parents is a MAP issue

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Murphy’s Law is a _____. Been on this track for 18 years, with 9 left to go spread between 4 of them. I am still half way across the OBJ with no air support.


The problem there is what’s “in their lane” is pretty subjective and dependent of the situation. As I’m sure you’re aware that the desires of parents are anything but homogenous, and I would argue that a teacher’s responsibilities can even change depending on the kid in question.

Where I grew up for example it’s sadly very common for parents to teach their kids practically nothing, which means anything the teachers don’t teach, the kids won’t learn. This dramatically reduces the chances of these kids becoming productive, functioning members of society. Thankfully I did not suffer from this because my parents cared, but I’ve seen so many other kids where this was not the case and as a result, they’re struggling in life and in some cases doing worse than their parents did. It’s tragic.


Looking forward to november

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What do you think is poorly written about it? These criticisms sound like platitudes you’ve been told, not actual researched opinions you’ve concluded.

There were reports. How accurate those reports are is not important. Again, this is a political trap that by pushing against, you fall into. Because by fighting the bill it is implicit you support sex ed for young children.

It is a poor trap if you don’t fall for it, especially if you know it is a trap. This one is quite successful. I’m not even fully certain it is entirely a false narrative, considering the amount of false push back.

I know this thread is quite dense already, and I don’t expect you’ve read everything, so I’ll quote part of my response to another poster who has really taken the bait and swallowed the hook here.

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Thanks. The “plan” that I’m working towards (if it can even be called that) is backups for backups for backups… just redundancy and padding (financial and otherwise) as far as is reasonably possible. Won’t take care of everything I know, but should smooth things out a bit at least.

If you are a welder, you get graded on your welds.
If you are a fisherman, you get graded on your catch.
If you drive long haul, you get graded on your loads.

Stop with the idea that teaching isn’t just a job.

Private schools and homeschooling exists.

Part of the job.

Bad parents, not the teachers responsibility. Or, get a different job.

And schools are churning out so many of those now huh.

I am glad your parents cared. Now you can join the rest of us and hope your kids do you one better like we do.

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You keep repeating yourself so I’m not sure replying to you is going to accomplish anything but questioning a hastily written and passed bill is not the same as thinking this:

The government already had control over school curriculum before this bill. So if it was being taught at too young an age it was their own doing.
Teachers aren’t just telling kids whatever they want. They follow guidelines laid out by school boards with elected officials.

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I copy you, hoss. Got 9 of my own, all grown, and some married, and even grand youngins too. I still get those how do I do this questions from the boys, and teary phone calls from the girls when some fool breaks their hearts.

I can neither confirm nor deny that any action whatsoever was taken against the aforementioned fools . . . LOOK! It’s Elvis!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

It may not be the majority, but I wouldn’t be too sure on that statement.


Its pretty clear that the problem was, Teachers were telling the kids whatever the hell they wanted to. Hence the need for a bill to provide parents the ability to stop it from happening.


Schools should not be indoctrination camps. Teach the fundamentals of education. (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.) Let kids be kids. Don’t fill their heads with sexual orientation discussions. They still have a long time before puberty. Let them enjoy the innocence of childhood free from drama. People trying to push ideas of, “What’s normal” are really trying to push what they want normal to be. This isn’t about you or me. Let them live their own lives and make their own decisions. They’ll be fine.


I remember ewwwing and asking questions when I was little, being told it’s not appropriate to ask and so on and so forth. Kids need to finger paint, read, play with friends on recess, have lunch… whoever thinks teachers all abide by guidelines are sorely disconnected from reality.

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I keep trying to find details of this. You would think this would be reported somewhere but I’m having a heck of a time finding what spurred this bill on.

I’d be happier if Skinwälker’s posting privileges were repealed tbh.

I suspect so would many others tired of these kinds of threads.

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That is ACTUALLY kidnapping. Do they not still require a permission slip to be SIGNED BY THE PARENT TO TAKE A CHILD OFF SCHOOL GROUNDS FOR FIELD TRIPS?!?!?

Or can they just take them wherever they want to now without a parent’s knowledge or consent?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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CM’s are afraid to touch these topics so I feel Skinwalker found a loophole for trolling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m repeating myself because you’re either refusing to see the trap, or you are so deep into a point of view you can’t help but fall into it.

This is not a valid criticism. A good bill could be written in 5 minutes. A bad bill could be written over a years. The content is all that matters, and by avoiding criticism of content, you are behaving exactly as someone against your point of view would desire.

Do you see how you’ve fallen into the trap here? You’ve moved from sexualizing children is bad, to its fine as long as the government does it. So no law is needed.

Again, you’ve fallen into the trap. If they are not, the law does nothing. It doesn’t matter. Or the school board is pushing sexualized material for children, which you implicitly say nobody should make a law against.


This is a mental finger trap, the harder you pull, the more stuck you become.


Not in Florida. Unfortunately, we have something called the Baker Act, which allows an individual to be held against their will for observation if it is believed that they might be a danger to themselves. I was baker acted myself when I was 13, and it was very traumatic.

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Try looking at the country as a whole. However, I now live in Florida and do recall in the last year or two some hubbub about teachers over stepping their bounds when it comes to sexual or gender identity, although I paid little attention to it at the time and can not recall any specifics. So take that well salted if you will.

However, prevention is still the best medicine. Just saying.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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