Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

It was obvious they were screwed the second they turned on Theodore Roosevelt who was the father of Progressivism in America over some innocuous BS.

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You have to awknowledge stuff that really happens to be able to deal with them. Not be in constant denial about such things. Or wanting future generations to be ignorant.

Dude, you make it clear you’re a Progressive. You really can’t throw that kind of accusation at someone with a straight face unless you’re REALLY ignorant.

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Will progressives be fair or biased ? There is no telling.

Will they filter the history to fit their agenda or will they show everything in fair way ?

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You are so woke that your brain has wokegasmed out of your head.

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If you’re going to go there, you might want to learn which is the party of slavery first.

It is also poor thinking to assume any party is all progressive or all conservative, the terms even only matter what the current state of society at the time is. Look how “segregation” morphed from a conservative idea that was enshrined in law, to a progressive one, that is fought for by disobeying the laws that outlaw such practice while rebranding it to “safe space.”

I will speak broadly here, but one thing I have found is that there are three things Republicans and Democrats have in common. Both want power. Both have preferred narratives in service to that end. And both have inconvenient facts that they’d like sweeped under the rug. Which leads me to a quote I like:

“History is just a set of lies agreed upon.”


I wish my mind was as flexible as some from the mental gymnastics crew. Then maybe I could be rich.

As far as what I seen we can teach what people say and do and did. The other side wants to censor stuff like that.

More shift towards something like Putin’s Russia.

He also censors stuff like that.

We can also awknowledge history has been white washed for example to make historical figures look bad.

Or lgbt censored like religions did over the year to promote its views.

History has changed and we can talk about it.

Not censor it and make folks ignorant of such things.

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Ya I mean I know no minds are going to really get changed over internet arguing but the modern progressive movement is straight up regressive.


There’s a book you might like by I think Glubb. It’s called the Fate of Empires but it basically goes into depth about how we are on a path to downfall simply because the way we teach history is flawed. We don’t teach history as an entirety of humanity, we teach specific events with details embellished or outright omitted for varying purposes, then because we never learn why things declined in their entirety we repeat them.

It’s on the lower end of pages like under 100 I think, maybe like 53 total?

Also goes into extensive detail of how various empires have fallen all repeating close to the same mistakes and lasting about 250 years give or take a few decades.

It is nigh impossible to have a fair discussion when everyone is prone towards their own bias. Some are so entrenched that the only real solution is to walk away.


It depends on your education level. Take a colkege course history class and you learn all sorts of atrocities commited to native americans. And the propoganda both sides used.

A basic high school class course doesnt get that deep into it and is rather superficial.

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WoW Forums is the best place to get my political information.


As non US
I learnt much about US politics from this forum :laughing:

And yet, it was a conservative government that actually demanded that the truth be printed in school books when I was in school, although they still haven’t got the number of dead right.

It was when the US Army massacred over 300 Lakota Sioux men, mostly elderly men, women and children that were, for the greatest part, unarmed and defenseless.

The history books at the school on the reservation called it the Battle of Wounded Knee and say that the Army was fired upon by armed Sioux warriors. An erroneous tale refuted by the tribal council.

It was not until we moved to Texas and I was enrolled in a school there did I read in a history book the truth of the matter. Not that I didn’t already know the truth of course, but it was a small vindication to see it admitted.

The governor that demanded that the truth be told in the history books passed out to the schools of Texas was, at that time, a conservative republican.

So, you see, you can not just lump conservative and progressives all in one and call it a day. You have to judge everyone separately based on the merits of their particular character and actions.

Does that last sentence sound familiar to you?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


“Take a college course and listen to a teacher with their own agenda in mind tell you what reality is.”

Yeah, I have a four year degree in Economics, know what one book my instructor tried to shove down my throat was regarding that field? The Communist Manifesto and saying it was very paramount to understanding Capitalism, when it’s basically a book about some dude complaining things cost money and some people have more money than others.

Same instructor for a business course that was part of that curriculum? Art of the Deal was banned because of who it was associated with despite being one of the most important books for business and was widely accepted as being the quintessential reading material until 2015 when the author launched a presidential bid.

Also hell, I gotta ask. What are your opinions of FDR? Are you aware that guy literally locked up most Asian Americans during WW2 because they “could be potential spies” into INTERNMENT CAMPS for YEARS which basically destroyed their lives then neglected to do anything about it.

Or you know, implementing policies that extended the Great Depression.

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For most people, that is too much work. Just read the headlines and get mad at the intended target. So many people cannot formulate their own opinions. Sheep mentality in full force.


then they’ll still teach it at home
 wow, what a complex idea.

i observed I have this flaw too

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