Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

School is where you go to learn math, historical events, language arts, and science. Reading. Writing. Not sexual orientation. They put sex ed as part of a health science curriculum because parents were too scared to talk to their own kids about sex. If you’re too scared to talk to your kids about sexual orientation then that’s a you problem, not an educator’s.

I don’t understand why people think they are talking about sex education or sexual identity. That may include stuff like referring to a kid as boy or girl if you look at the vague language. When you talk about being straight you don’t mention what you do in bed. You mention you are attracted to the other gender and form social relationships with them. The same with lgbt. We have families too. We have husbands/wives/ boyfriends/girlfriends etc. Explaining that to kids via a social network would be what k-3rd graders learn. I don’t think any kids are learning about sexual reproduction organs for example. Just basic biology maybe like cell reproduction.

Teachers being able to get sued over stuff like that is silly.

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  1. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third
    parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur
    in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards

Copy+pasted from the bill itself.
All you have to do is argue that your child was not developmentally ready to learn about sex ed topics and you could file suit against the school and teacher.
Vague laws are never a good thing. Ever.

That’s a bit of a reach. I don’t know the specifics of Florida, but in Massachussets and Rhode Island teachers are mandatory reporters of abuse. Even if it’s the slightest hint of something they have to report it or face legal repercussions as well as risking their teaching license.
I don’t know where this idea of pressuring kids to keep conversations secret is even coming from. Is that something that happens in Florida regularly?
Children are far more likely to be abused/groomed by family, relatives or close family friends than any other person.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t understand the idea that teachers are secretly grooming kids en masse in public schools.
Bolded an important part to ask - If the kids never learn sex ed, how do they know if someone did something inappropriate to them?


Yea abuse like that has a higher chance of happening by a known relative of family friend sadly.

Kids should be aware of what is inappropriate behaviors so they can warn others if they are being abused. Not kept ignorant of such things.

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You pasted the bill but did you not read the first line? It’s the acutal first sentence in the bill:

  1. 2 An act relating to parental rights in education;
  2. 3 amending s. 1001.42, F.S.; requiring district school
  3. 4 boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain
  4. 5 provisions of law for notifying a student’s parent of
  5. 6 specified information; requiring such procedures to
  6. 7 reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make
  7. 8 decisions regarding the upbringing and control of
  8. 9 their children in a specified manner; prohibiting the
  9. 10 procedures from prohibiting a parent from accessing
  10. 11 certain records; providing construction; prohibiting a
  11. 12 school district from adopting procedures or student
  12. 13 support forms that prohibit school district personnel
  13. 14 from notifying a parent about specified information or
  14. 15 that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a
  15. 16 student to withhold from a parent such information;
  16. 17 prohibiting school district personnel from
  17. 18 discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and
  18. 19 involvement in critical decisions affecting a
  19. 20 student’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being;
  20. 21 providing construction;

It has. Thats part of why the bill exists. It’s why middle of the raod people have no issue with this bill. I can say if this bill went till 12th grade I would be against it. If it went to 9th grade I would be against it. K-3 though?

I dont get why ban it all. Those ages you learn what types of families there are. If your classmate had gay parents that would maybe be mentioned. Then you could probably mention or celebrate lgbt history months or days. Some schools have k-5 th grade. So that would ban it for everyone?

Just seems weird and unnecessary and make it harder for schools to teavh what actual life and families look like nowadays.

You do realize the bill was written as gender identification neutral, right? By spurging out like this and claiming it targets only gay people, you confirm everything the most bigoted hater ever said about homosexuality. You implicitly, and somewhat explicitly, affirm it is linked with the sexual grooming of children, and is something as a community you desire.

You’ve gone so deep into your ideology, you’ve failed to realize you fell into a political trap set for you. The Democrat party didn’t help with their blatant misrepresentation of what was in the bill, some people actually think it actually bans the word “gay.” (The Ron Perlman video is particularly cringe) Republicans tend to be the victims of this sort of political move when it comes to abortion, if you need an idea of what you look like right now. Except you’ve picked a particularly more vile hill to die on.

Instead of falling into the trap, consider the bill also prevents heterosexual people from such early education and use that to your advantage. Or better, the advantage of children who shouldn’t be a part of this conversation one way or the other.

I disagree. As someone who was I don’t know how it would have helped. I would rather have not know about anything sexual until I learned about it normally.

Most groomers know how to choose the weak and already abused so their victims can’t fight back. I have known people who didnt talk, not because they didnt understand (like me) but because they were threatened. As a kid, you can say go to a principal or techer, but if you can’t trust anyone in your life up to that point, why would you trust those…

And that CAN be mentioned. You can’t have entire classroom discussion “instructing” sexualality (see link above)

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It doesn’t really detail the previous policy and I haven’t gone and dug it up.
Were schools actively and willfully withholding information from parents regarding their children?
I know it’s Florida, but I mean c’mon. Was that the actual policy or just a potential scenario that could have maybe occured?

I have no problem with doing things to protect children. We already fail a lot of kids in this country but the thing about suing schools and teachers is just open to abuse and could have been left out of the bill while still trying to protect the kids.

Just mentioning someone who has two dads can be interpreted as mentioning sexual identity. And a parent could sue the teacher for thst if they are offended.

Thats like walking on eggshells for teachers who are lgbt. Like nope I cant talk about my personal life with yall or I may get fined.

People have sued for less.

I never took the time to read the bill. I don’t live in Florida so it doesn’t really concern me.

Though after doing a once over, which I will read a few more times before satisfied, there is one particular thought that crossed my mind.

This bill shouldn’t need to exist.

The parent, bar none, is the direct human being responsible for the minor child from birth until the age of majority, unless circumstance makes this non applicable. The fact that Florida had to put pen to paper to allow parents their God given right, or whatever persuasion of deity to include the lack thereof, is troubling.

I only see two reasons people would take issue with this.

  1. You did not read it thoroughly, or understand it adequately enough.
  2. You do not have children, and have ZERO concept what that responsibility is like.

If you aren’t 1 or 2 then the problem that you have is against the Forum Code of Conduct to speak about here.


If the teacher hadnt pushed this as far as they did, this bill would not be needed.

I mean comon. If any of us goes to work and talk about the wild sex we had last night and a co worker hears it, we can be fired for sexual harrassment. We talk about Blizzard and how they didnt do this in their workplace.

Why would we give teachers the ability to have sexual discussions with K-3 kids that you and I can’t have at work?

Both are wrong and neither should take place in the workplace.


You do know, a LGBTQ+ person could sue because a cis gender teacher talked about their life too right?

Which side (if there are sides) in this are more likely to sue? I expect we will see suits like the bakery suits if any teacher even comes close to letting anyone know they are conservatives.


Idk what teachers would do that. But it doesnt talk about sexual activities. Just sexual orientation and identity.

Those are different things.

We do not tell kids how mommies and daddies make kids. We tell them what there mommies and daddies are to each other.

Heck with divorce rates people have mixed families and 2 moms and 2 dads.

So just filtering out the lgbt stuff is a bit silly.

What specifically happened though that triggered this bill that got pushed through legislation at the political equivalent of the speed of light though?

Was this a thing they were doing prior to this bill? I don’t know of any public school system that is having sexual discussions in their curriculum with kids in those grades.

Well who knows what will happen. The vagueness lets it be abused by anyone. Just waste tax payer dollars on the cases that will be made.

How about we not teach literal children about adult things and concepts. Save all the sex stuff for when they start coming up on puberty and then simply teach them facts and let them figure out their own sexuality as their brains and bodies start going through the actual transformative process from child to adult.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


You’re another one that didn’t read the bill I see.

Tell me, do your feet taste good, you seem to be adept at putting them in your mouth.

My children are all grown, but if I still had school age children, I would be very happy this bill was in place. It is not the place of teachers, schools or school boards to teach our children about sexuality and gender identity, it is the responsibility, duty and right of their parents to do so and ALL parents need to start stepping up to the plate and doing their duty by their children. Or you’ll find one day that the government has more parental rights where your child is concerned than you do.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine: