Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

Half the people are displeased about the road we are on now, and the other half, as you said don’t want to go down the road we have been down before.

Sounds to me like a volatile mixture, that won’t end well.

Speaking of needing school…damn your grammar is awful. You aren’t even trying.

lol yeah sure it is. Its about an agenda against gays and any sexuality other than straight. Its sickening they use children as a prop for their agenda. These are the same people who will say they value life but kill an abortion doctor. Good ole George Carlin was and is still right.


Thank God.



Thank the other guy. You know…Tom Ellis. :wink:

Some people have no actual understanding of the damage real grooming can do to a person over a person’s life. They don’t care if kids like me gets screwed up for over 40 years till they finally come to an understanding of things that were done to them.

The worst part about this argument? No one is talking about the real part is that teachers can’t hide these discussions from parents. A teacher can have inappropriate private 1:1 discussions with a a kid in their classroom and tell them they can’t talk about it with their parents or they will be in trouble.

Why would ANYONE be for adults having sexual conversation with prepubescent children and it be legal to intimidate the kid hide the conversations?

Everything I read about this bill directly is that you can say yes I am married to a same sex, but you can’t provide INSTRUCTION in classroom about ANY sexual topics to kids K-3. And if the teachers have any talk about things like yeah I have a same sex parnter, they can’t hide the conversation froma. aparent.

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Maybe I’m living under a rock over here but it seems like common sense that we don’t teach the birds and the bees in schools to six year olds.


This comes from a place that isn’t rooted in religion but I personally wouldn’t want any form of intimacy/sex topics being allowed in schools. Hated seeing people kissing/holding hands even as me as a straight person for my friends with their girl. Like dude we are here at school to learn and get stuff done. Stop wasting time and blocking the hallway for others getting to class/lockers. If you want to do that stuff go do it at home.

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Only thing I have to say about that is ,don’t throw stones if you’re sinful. The church as alot of correcting to do for what they did and covered up for years.

The left is pushing the center to the right.


Today’s leftist are insane. Even still, I will admit I am worried about what might happen if society lurches too far to the right in response. I wish we could stay in the nice, sensible center.


Oh, me too. I’m triple jabbed and believe in all the good stuff like gay marriage and rights; I’m agnostic or maybe atheist, don’t even think about religion.

It’s getting really hard to look passed all the crazy stuff the left is bullying people into accepting.


Too much over stimulation with everything these days. Most people just want to get stuff done at work and head home. My family and relatives don’t even like watching the news anymore because both sides and indie just have that natural inclination to sell you something or drive up fear.

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I am also agnostic. I am interested in pantheism, but truthfully religion does not play a huge role in how I make decisions or how I see the world. My defense for this bill does not stem from religion or a hatred of homosexuality, or whatever else they will accuse me of on this thread.

I defend this bill because I do not think prepubescent kids need to be told about what happens in the bed room. Full stop.

Exactly, and this seems to exclusively be an issue with conservative Christians as center or left leaning Christians are somewhat tolerant. It amazes me how a lot of right leaning Christians don’t know the dark side of their religion’s past. The persecution of heretics and the mass bloodshed of thousands of people to convert people into Christians like in the Almohad dynasty in the 12th century.

Sadly, I am old enough to remember when the country went right and I got protested for doing things like going to concerts or playing D&D.

Today the left wants to come after me today for being pretty much the same thing I was back then. I guess I am happily in the middle - a milquetoast fence-sitter as some would say.

Like you, I wish the crazies on both sides would just go away


As of now, I can’t tell who is conservative any more they switch sides like leaves blown in the wind where they fell no one can tell. Christian today are more a myth imho they never really have time to dive into the reading and evidence to see the wrong of the past but now only if they can profit from it some how leaving people lost in a dessert searching for a true meaning in their lives,if only they would let go.

Bait post aside, this bill should be concerning to everyone(It sets a precedent for other states to follow).
It opens up schools to being sued by parents of students of all ages due to the vague wording.
Guess who pays for the lawsuits? Taxpayers.
Guess who gets hurt in the long run? Students, particularly those in public education as school funding gets cut to cover lawsuits.
You could, under the wording of this bill, sue a school for teaching sex ed to a 15y/o if you are the parent and deem them not ready for it.
This is so open to abuse and it’s insane that it was signed into law as it was written.

What is needed is an actual reform of education that has age appropriate sex ed in the curriculum instead of whatever crazy stuff each city/state does now.

Obviously the nickname of the bill is to spark outrage, but how else do you get people to even pay attention to local legislature? Most people don’t even bother to vote during local elections unless they happen to line up with federal ones.

No, you couldn’t. Read the bill.

You know who gets hurt in the long run? Kids who get groomed by people influencing kids who have clue what the groomer is doing to them.

Easy question. We have outrage on these forums every day because horrible men at Blizzard said inappropriate things to the women who work at Blizzard - and both are adults.

Why would anyone saying that what went on at Blizzard is ok to be done to K-3 kids?

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