Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

No, five year olds are not infants.

Zero to one year of age are infants.

Five year olds are preschoolers.

Two completely different developmental stages.

If you must use labels you do not understand, google is your friend.

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Too late. They’ve done fund raising stuff for political issues before with their pets and mounts.

I can see how you’d derive that considering the context of the thread, but I assure you that’s not what I meant.
My ire is not toward common people.

Speaking of agendas, the religious right is one of the biggest issues for generation Z. It doesn’t matter now, but if conservatives don’t stop with the rhetoric of religious zealotry, then Christianity is going to be wiped out in the next 20 years.

So you’re saying it’s ok to forced the issue on a child at 5 to make the their decision .nice .So the adult controls their adult life for them including sterilization.

Nevertheless ,this has nothing to do with the game but more on moral issue.

I agree on gun safety. While I do train my children how to aim to survive, I also teach them the importance of safety and the lethality of firearms. I also store them in a very safe manner.
I like guns, but I respect them as well. It’s an only if absolutely necessary context in my household.


F the BDF…get rid of them

100% agree as someone who is part of generation Z. I can attest to the fact that more and more people are being driven away from Christianity. It’s mostly the fault of the boomers who keep repeating the same rhetoric that LBGTQ+ people are sinners.

A baby is able to live outside the womb by 5 months albiet as a premature baby in a neonatal unit. Anything younger can not survive outside. And the brain develops after the heart at 5-6 weeks when the heart beat can be detected.

Some people can not support a kid. Many people live in different conditions. Some pregancies aren’t viable. Some are ectopic pregancies. These laws make it hard for people to decide there health outcomes. Or want people to be responsible over another life they way not want to be responsible for or cant be responsible for.

A child that is not wanted can live in an unsupportive environment.

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  1. No one is ever forced to choose their sexuality. It’s not a choice.
  2. I knew I was gay when I was 10. I have friends in the community who knew even younger. And my parents were very very very religious, I might add.
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not really you just look dumb. your on a game forum for one not teaching nothing. i seen you post 3 times or more about kids turning into bigots if not taught this in school and that says enough right there just be quiet bye.

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Thats good. Mental health is also something that changes over life. Someone who can not control there rage and has access to a fire arm may use it when his mindvis not clear. Or for suicide in depressed individuals. Mental health can change over time. Everyone handles things differently.

Jesus Christ, it says sexual orientation meaning gay, homosexuality any word that describes sexual orientation. Meaning kids can say they have a mum and dad but a kid that has 2 dads or 2 mums will be expelled for telling other kids that they had 2 dads or 2 mums. No kid should be told their parents are wrong and they cannot talk about them unless it’s a mum and dad.

If religion wasn’t tied with the LGBTQ+ community then things would have been a lot easier. It seems like both of these communities are always on a constant war with each other.


I don’t particularly care either way, but the text of the bill doesn’t really contain much of note. The media moniker for the bill seems more like it is intended to be divisive, a lot more so than the bill itself. I don’t really get it. I think most schools already don’t teach much along the lines of sex education in the lowest grades, why is it so important to whoever is opposing this bill that they can?

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Anecdotally you have solved the problem single handed, end of discussion. Well done.

Wow people seem to kids are so dumb they can’t even put 2 and 2 together. Heres whats actually gonna happen. “Why does billy have two dads?” And you’ll say” I’ll tell you when your older. In the meantime don’t tease or bully billy.” Heres what u just signaled to every single kid in that room ( which will now echo to the other kids in the school cuz playground.) “Billy is different.” Which means Billy is now a target. We’ve been down this road before and we aren’t gonna stand for it again. Repeal the bill.

That is a blind view of the world,they do do this if given the chance . I said allow the child to find it themselves not being forced to a gender they are not comfortable with. If your gay so be it,if not don’t force them to be another.

You would be surprised; the vatican pope called the “war on lgbtq+” as the greatest threat to Christianity… ofc he was met with intense backlash but just goes to show how the religious right are.

You protect a child’s innocence for as long as possible, which is what the bill is about.