Help Repeal "Don't Say Gay" Bill

228 posts

Forgive me lord.

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That just sounds like an excuse to have kids be bigots instead of teaching them at a early age about the differences people have. A Lot of hate comes from ignorance.

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You are forgiven for now peasant. Next time its the stockades for you.

you really just need to be quiet.

Not really. If you think I need to be quiet because I want more tolerance by teaching and giving information then I’m doing something right.

Yeah and Gavin over here in California is proposing a bill to make killing your child within 8 days of birth legal.

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I don’t mind the “dont say gay” bill as long as there is another bill that addresses religious indoctrination. Growing up, I was forced into a conservative Christian mindset, this is why I don’t relate with my parents to this day.

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I disagree. Hate often times comes from accepting the truth.

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Uhhhh Source?

And what “Truth” is there that should lead people to hate gays hmm? That sounds a bit like a homophobic statement to me, can you explain what you mean?

Qanon probably

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It’s not an agenda.

People’s lives are not an agenda. Get over it.


Hmm,self hate? Is learning it naturally self hate now? Have things changed that bad???

I didn’t say I hate gays, bro.

The hell are you even on about? And yes it can be self hate if a child who turns out to be gay later wasn’t taught at a younger age that its ok to not be straight.

Yea thats why it can be hard to detect signs and symptoms. But usually suicidal folks won’t lie to you if they plan on killing themselves. They do not care enough to lie. Asking doesn’t increase chances of suicide. Especially while screening in school. Especially since he seemed like he was in an unsupportive environment.

Sometimes even talking with a friend can help. Or just a random stranger being nice. Depression can be like that.

Also death via guns is something the us has to worry about. Gun safety and proper storage and mental health checks should be a thing people focus on. If some of the leading causes are gun related.

Making it harder to kill yourself gives people more time to think things over. Guns are pretty quick and lethal.

But you did imply some “truth” would lead to hate and since we were talking about gays it follows that you meant there was some truth about gays that would lead to hate.

We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning.


How about we keep political drama out of WoW? This is a world to get AWAY from real life, not find more of it, specially controversial.


Nope not that group their into inter-dimensional aliens and time travel ,well, the original Qanon.