Welcome to the forums. You don’t get to ban people from threads. That’s also not breaking the rules.
i’d ask what i just walked into but i don’t want anyone to get a forum vacation for explaining. lol.
Short version: “it’s so simple, Bliz should do my changes” then the thread systematically illustrates why it’s not simple.
If someone AFKs in an AV, they are removed. If someone is reported enough as AFK in an AV, they are removed.
That’s pretty simple.
Sounds fine to me. Those will be free HKs unless you’re able to stealth somewhere.
It already exists, kind of
They should make an entire BG based around a fishing quest.
WSG requires PvP to achieve objectives. AV in the current format only requires PvE.
Well, if you take the fishing tourney on a PVP server:rofl:
Let them leave then? shorter queues for me.
Weird. Where are all the #nochanges comments?
You’re operating under the mindset that AV is supposed to be the most efficient honour farm possible where everything sub-optimal should be removed.
Can’t be. It’s needed to open the AQ gates later.
Brave sons of the Alliance!
Rally to me!!!
We shall storm the gates of AQ with…
erm squire is this correct?
Yes sire
are you sure?
definitely sire
(hrmph) We shall storm the gates with Alterac Trout!
knew i should have taken the job with Tolkien
Because when i afk in AV i’m only slightly afk. Put wow up on my second monitor and just pretty much afk run in and die over and over and over. It works great and i don’t really need to pay any attention to it other than to point myself in the right direction. All the while watching a movie or something. I’m doing it right now while posting this. If i had to throw a heal or auto attack something ontop of it that wouldn’t really hinder me in anyway.
Gotta get all the free honor.
Most of the AFK bots I’ve seen go to cold tooth mine and pretend like they’re trying to do something productive to avoid getting reported. The best thing you can do is report but unfortunately we’re going to see some rank 14 players that have no idea how to pvp. Blizzards only option to prevent this is by needing honor gains in AV or buffing WSG honor.
Cat and mouse.
Path of Least Resistance.
They’ll AFK because it’s easy and possible and doesn’t affect the raid as much as it would in WSG or AB.
They’ll work around it because they are normally semi-afk fishing or able to run around just to kill their afk debuff.
There’s no good method for this other than to change how honor/rep is rewarded. So instead of frontloading people with the honor when the objectives are done, instead reward it all at once when the bg is over. This increases the reward for people who queue into the battleground late.
an army’s got to eat something.
“An army marches on its stomach.”
Napoleon (1769-1821)
this. not really having fun playing.
Cut the rep gains by 90% while you’re at it.