I just don’t understand why it is even possible to sit in the cave and get honor.
Why cant blizzard do some of the following:
- make it so that if you havent entered combat in the previous 5 min, you do not get honor
- make it so that if you are not within a certain range of the killing, you dont get the honor…
- make it so that if you didnt damage or heal someone that is damaging an officer, you dont get honor.
You know, things that would require participation. Why isn’t it this simple?
Cut honor gains in AV down 90% would not only eliminate afkers but the clowns who want to speed through for fast honor. I know it’s tough to believe but there are some of us who want to play AV for fun and the big fights.
So I could get in range of archers, hit combat and los their damage.
Then proceed to afk.
Work around the combat with in last 5 min issue.
What happens if a player is defending a graveyard/bunker/tower/base, and nobody has appeared yet?
Maybe the enemies are approaching in stealth or waiting for them to leave.
Should they stop defending?
It’s pretty amazing to see that the amount of effort people put into avoiding playing in AV is actually less than the amount of effort it takes to play.
Those are all terrible suggestions. I mean, it’s a massive map that could hypothetically have people contributing at many different locations at once. Your “simple fixes” discourage people from guarding gy’s, or splitting up in any way.
The problem with this version of AV is the map wasn’t built for zerg runs. It was built as an awesome lengthy battle. When they decided to gut it, they left a lot of things that where needed in the old version but allow you to AFK now.
- Fishing. Should be removed.
- NPC’s should not count as “combat” when you are AFK tagged. Frankly the Rams, Wolves and Mines should be removed. All old content. The quests are dead ends.
My list was not intended as a comprehensive one…
The point is… there has to be something quantifiable about being AFK that should allow blizzard to take some steps…
For your concern… make it so that if you are within a certain distance from a GY or tower or other objective that you get honor… Will people still AFK at those spots ? sure, but they will probably get killed being out in the open.
Why shouldn’t the spawn cave be 0 honor? Why isnt THAT at least the case?
Seems like there is LOTS they could do… and they do nothing.
Better yet stop worrying about a few people doing quests, fishing etc. in AV. You can still win with a zerg of 25-30 people. If not, the battleground ends and you queue for a new one.
None of these suggestions will work with the way that AV was intended to work. The players are supposed to go off and do pve quests away from the main fight and then come back after turning in items to summon reinforcements. I am WELL aware that these quests are not getting completed in the current meta bu none the less, if you penalized these actions by nerfing the amount of honor gain there would be no reason to have these quests or options in the battleground at all.
The only real suggestion that has potential is not being able to receive honor while in the cave but again this would alter the natural state of the game as it is possible that the cave becomes a graveyard. Now you have penalized any players unlucky enough to die and spawn in the cave…
Three words: Upper Management Approval.
I’d hazard to guess at this point, that unless someone can provide a compelling argument why it makes bad business sense, they can, but probably won’t listen on this. But that’s just my two copper.
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Because AFKing isn’t breaking the rules.
Actually, it’s always been (in a BG)…hence why they give you ways to report it?..
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It’s not “reporting the player AFK to the GM’s” It’s “the players agree this person is AFK and should be removed”
Very different.
Fun big fights . But most pvp players want lots of honor and if AV was bad then they would leave for WSG.
Can’t have your cake and eat it
I don’t mind #1
The other two are bad because that would probably severely slow down alot of people.
But the idea, everyone hast to touch the Lts/Comm or be nearby, means it massively restricts the ability of the group to go out and fan out to do multiple things.
It also means anyone defending does -not- get honor. Which means people will just zerg more.
Better yet, do BGs for pvp. Not fishing and questing.
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Or, even better.
Make all of them matter again, because removing them makes the BG even more one dimensional.
How hard is it to enter combat at least once in 5 minutes? If your defending the alliance will be at the start of the horde areas in much less than 5 minutes. There’s also NPCs you can smack if absolutely nessessary.
If you go a full -FIVE MINUTES- without getting in combat at all. you’re afking.