Help me understand SL hate

bUt MuH mEaNiNgFuL cOnTeNt

Gladly and politely. In the order of release/appearance. This is what I have summarized by massive comments on multiple platforms.

  1. Mass outcry for systems that interlink player power when announcement of SL. (Neglected. Outcry of systems linked to player power since BFA)
  2. Sylvanas having to demoralize a male figure in a trailer. To demonstrate some type of power. Which could’ve been delivered in any other way.
  3. Employee individuals that are are extremely abusive to other human beings. (Which let’s be honest if shoe was on the other foot. Wouldn’t be tolerated or accepted and it shouldn’t be.)
  4. People advised/warned that the Maw was incredibly boring (I wasn’t apart of beta/alpha) and to take extra time to address it. Blizzard took the extra time (Which I helped promote too btw :slight_smile: ) and I’m not sure what they did with it… but not address the Maw.
  5. Outrage over forced storymode at beginning of expansion. (Let’s try not to do this again. We like to pick what areas we level in.)
  6. Advertised as a customization expansion. Barely received lots of customization.

I think that summarizes where a lot “hate” of SL came from for the masses. Me personally… a bit of all that was mentioned above, but I would’ve added in the budget or lack of.

It seems like the masses addressed it more for Overwatch 2. While Shadowlands had more alarming concerns for other gamers to attend to. It’s pretty apparent in all their IPs. It was just as bad for World of Warcraft. Less cuts all around please.

I also been promoting:

  • Big group activities. SL is sorely missing a warfront, ashran etc. ( I wouldn’t like to see this repeated.)
  • Unique rewards for raiding again. ( I like me my mog runs :partying_face: )
  • Leisure activities, including … pet dungeons.
  • Better mogs all around. Including … flowy dresses. Boys can have the Dark Soul/Torghast gear. Let’s hope they actually do something for them.
  • …otter mount?

Feel like I am missing some stuff, but that’s all I got for now.


Not even just multispec, if you do multiple forms of content.

Shadow priest without Night Fae in raid = LMAO
Shadow priest without Venthyr in arena = LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Expansions are pretty nasty at launch and become more complete near the end.

Just to follow up on this, I’ll bring up one of our shadow priests.

This is Destii, Destii is one of the highest ranked Shadow Priests in the entire world:

Here is his last logs as Night Fae:

Here is his last weeks log as Venthyr (Swapped to Venthyr for PVP)

Covenants are absolutely trash and whoever came up with locking them to power needs to be fired.


I don’t want to go to the Ember Court Party.

My Main plants seeds, mostly OK, but now that is wonky too, because, you won’t get what the quest says you will … too many bugs. too many bugs!

i have no desire to bring alts over for so many reasons. The SL reason 35K anima grind to level a Sanctum? and more. Have 7 more.

The ‘creative’ ideas are great, I love much of that, but the ‘practical’ game play… it is so very different than prior expansions, JMO.

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The lie wasn’t that there was a ripcord, the lie was after when they did there wasn’t one.

We can already change covenants - the ripcord is making the time gate parameter 0 and removing the 2 “fill the bar” quests.

And that’s fine,

I’m not trying to convince people,
Or shame anyone about feeling a certain way.

Just trying to get an understanding. For me, I don’t see basically any grinds.

The only things I can see being a grind that actually matter is m+ achieves for gear and PvP ranks for gear.

And I consider that just playing the game if that’s the content you enjoy

I have a few issues:

  1. Loot drought issues on 1st raid
  2. Repetitive / lackluster world quests (even world bosses are uninteresting)
  3. Content drought stretching for too long
  4. BGs are just a bad experience (who knew dinging 60 and doing a BG would be so counterproductive…)
  5. Oribos… a floating can with doorways… At least color code it.

But the worse part has been seeing the Blizz charm just fade away from the game.

  1. Covenants not just being your personal preference or a cosmetic choice. For most specs there is a definitive best or top 2 that completely outshine the others.
  2. The unpruning of classes didn’t go nearly far enough. Certain specs that I have played like mistweaver monk and enhancement shaman are lacking several things that I could go on about for some time.
  3. Blizzard tried to bandaid fix classes in the same way they always do now—by adding more borrowed power.
  4. PvP is a complete joke, and while I admit that I’m not the greatest at it, it truly is just as impossible to climb as others have alluded to. The amount of people carrying others in arena is ludicrous, and you really cannot compete against them if they are 10+ item levels higher.
  5. The anima grind is painfully slow. There is no way I will even attempt grinding out anima to get cosmetics because it would take forever.
  6. The cosmetics that are “available” if you grind for them are largely unappealing reskins and look mediocre at best. At least they will maybe be adding class sets back in 9.2 (?).
  7. Class balance is horrendous as melee, by and large, stays getting shafted again. While for now it is fire mage and boomkin on top for all content, I have little doubt next patch it will just shift to warlock/spriest dominance.
  8. The lack of loot saps my will to continue. Spending hours and hours running mythic+ and the raid and receiving marginal item level upgrades at best feels awful. Building onto this, valor is largely useless to me and thus my only chance of getting a meaningful upgrade is from the vault. Again I could go on and on about the vault and its problems but just know there are many.
  9. Torghast is insanely boring to me. I did not mind it too much for the first couple months or so, but it really does wear on you. Its content you feel obligated to do for soul ash only, and starts to feel like a chore (at least for me). If you only had to do one wing a week I really don’t think I would mind it too much.
  10. The Maw
  11. Story is at the lowest point I’ve ever seen. Nothing about it interests me or engages me. I personally just want it to go back to Horde v. Alliance or something, anything. Just not this.
  12. Very alt unfriendly. The amount of hours you would need to put in to do everything you “need” to do on a character is insane.
  13. Probably the worst part of this expansion is that it really feels that your time is not respected, period. Everything feels like an obstacle to keep you on the treadmill just a little bit longer, whether its zone design, lack of flying, no mount in the maw, no loot, incremental anima portions, etc.
  14. Lastly, there is simply no content left that captivates me. I’m not real interested in mythic raiding (especially now that all my friends have dropped out as well), mythic+, or slogging through the PvP ladder. For the last few weeks of my sub I was mostly just running old content.

I am probably missing several other things that I personally dislike about this expansion but its pretty late here and I am sleepy. That’s not to say I hate everything about it because, overall, I think its a step up from BfA; however, in many ways it just feels like BfA 2.0. I really do hope things change for the better in the next couple patches, but if you enjoy it as is, more power to you. Its just not for me right now.


I just wanted to touch on covenants too, I thought it would be great but how it turned out doesn’t feel as good (for reasons many posters explained).

That said, the idea of adding more RPG type elements like covenants is nice. The problem is all 4 covenants aren’t nearly as equal or functional for what they are trying to do, making your choice potentially worse.

I don’t remember all the differences between Aldor/Scryers in BC but that seemed to be far less substantial impact on your character compared to covenants but still offered an RPG choice. Players want power progression but maybe in the future Blizzard will keep most power tied to class and armor. Things like benefits in specific dungeons seemed fine to me, but the soulbinds/cov powers can account for too much.

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  1. OMG yes… it’s like your real loot will show up in the Great Vault… if you do enough bosses. ( I just want the big ‘Bag’ … months have gone by now)
  2. Have you compared the number of WQ’s with past expansions… yep, agree.
  3. Ya agree with you
  4. Don’t do this, so can’t say much about BG’s.
  5. Oribos… my complaint is the amount of time to get to another continent. 2, 3, 4, 5 mins? … Really!?

Metacritic is one of the sites I use.

  1. Vanilla - 7.6ish
  2. TBC - 8
  3. Wrath - 7.9
  4. Cata - 5
  5. Mists - 5
  6. WoD - 5
  7. Legion - 7
  8. BFA - 3
  9. Shadowlands - 5

Whatever you might think of the general forum it’s pretty indicative of the space in general. That is the opinion of current and ex players of the game all over the internet.

If you want positivity turn off the internet forums, general chat, trade chat, youtube and put on some happy music in the game. That’ll do it.

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What is his PvP rankings while on Night Fae? And what is his PvP rankings as Venthyr?

He chose Nightfae to become the best DPS but weaksauce on PvP. And now he chose Venthyr to become better on PvP and give up some DPS since Raid Bosses are dying anyway.

That’s meaningful choices on his side.

BFA was a terrible expansion and we had hopes that SL would be good to compensate for it but nope, we just got two terrible expansions in a row, which is why it’s easy to say SL feels worse than BFA, but in reality they’re just equally awful.

What I dislike the most about SL:

  • The systems such as conduits and covenants, as well the idiotic valor system that requires you to be geared and finished with content in order for it to start being useful;
  • The story is ridiculous and unlike with previous expansions in which I was very curious and excited to know what would happen next, this time I simply don’t care, if it ended right now with no changes, I wouldn’t care because there’s nothing interesting for me to care about;
  • The newly introduced characters are easily forgettable and boring and the changes in already established characters to make them dumber and worse so others can look better made even the known ones boring;
  • The maw and Torghast are two boring messes that go against everything a game is meant to be: fun;
  • Anima and Soul Ash;

These are just the things in-game right now, what’s coming will make it even worse, like the STUPID covenant legendaries to force you to stick to your already forced choice even more, despite so many people saying they hate it and asking Blizzard to change it.

The idiotic forced Blizzard rating system for dungeons that will make the life of the more casual or solo players a living hell even worse than IO already does, because despite everything, IO still allowed you to opt out of it, the Blizzard one won’t.


pvp gearing is NOT great and is literally the reason pvp itself is dead

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(posts on a character who hasn’t done any endgame content) :upside_down_face:

Let me introduce you to more SL hate inc
Patch 9.1 introduce a new system/borrow power, Domination Socket and new Domination Gems. The gem effects only works in the Maw/Torghas and the new raid.

I’m keen as for 9.1, from my perspective it ticks all the boxes

New mega dungeon
New M+ Season
Catch up gear for my most recent alts

Sign me up

I was hopeful when it came out and I have enjoyed certain aspects of the game. The characters of Rivendreth being my favorite. But other than that, it’s kind of been a bit of a let down.

Plus, I miss the old talent trees, I hate this cookie cutter approach with very little options to make your class unique. More and more that I play retail, the more I was dissatisfied with it. So because of that, I switched to classic/TBC and have found my love for the game again. It actually feels more like RPG and less like “just another video game”.

So yeah, I’m done playing retail, not unless and until, they start making new content that is very similar to the old content. Which I don’t think they will do.