Help me understand SL hate

That should be filed under hate of MoP, which removed the talent trees. Not SL.

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Min-maxers whining which is common
Blizzard treating pvp players as trash also common :rofl:

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-Classes are still missing the mark gameplaywise
-Number tuning is horrible compared to past
-Conduit Ranks and rng nature
-Torghast Soul Ash for alts needs to be atleast triple for what it currently is
-Soulbind system is a failure: I want and I NEED same Soulbind build for both my specs but you cant do that
-Too much development time went to Torghast abilities instead of Class design
-Honor gear is an insult, you farm 2 weeks to get 7/7 and you are still missing 10K HP and 10% vers
-All areas are empty
-Nobody interacts
-Everybody is phased or sharded
-Seeing Warlock walking in Orgrimmar possibly shooting a movie and disappearing, so immersive!
-Professions are gutted
-Gems and Enchants are half-"ssed
-Its not possible to make your alts useful in time
-Too much grinding to get into PvP

-And finally the devastating fact that these problems will NOT be solved when 10.0 turd comes out


I KNEW there was a specific reason I hate MoP. I seriously couldn’t remember when the change took place. thanks for helping me remember.

For me it signalled the last of my friends leaving WoW. It’s an mmo, and without playing with people I enjoy the company of, it took a big reason away to be here.

The expansion itself is no worse than other expansions, and no better. I think that’s the problem for me. It’s just mediocre at best. The story still sucks, like it has for most of wows life. The pvp just seems to somehow get worse. They seem to enjoy taking away old systems and adding new ones constantly. It’s like treading water.

After all these years playing and riding the same old cycle, I jumped ship. My sub is still active for a while yet, but it’s not going to be renewed. I don’t hate WoW, I just don’t love it any more. I’ll be probably selling my old collectors boxes soon since they’re now collecting dust in my garage.

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2 months in is not content block. It is systems, the wq’s time to get to them, time to do them, no fight whistles, anima grinds, tailoring anima gains for 1%, the wq bugs that waste your time, loot drought. There is a few of mine.


I know plenty of people who I used to play with who never come to the forums. Pretty sure the only effect on them was the game. Should they ever come back, I will be sure to ask them. :frowning:

What I am seeing is the forums are mirroring the attitudes of many in some respects…except all the bard and tinker stuff, no one I know has ever asked for that.

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They didn’t really though, on your classic character do you just use the agreed best spec from wowhead or whatever?

That’s all anyone ever did, there was an illusion of choice

core systems all the way. everything else is completely fine.

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What does this even mean?

The hot fix for M+ and raiders

Some do, I do m+ and a lot and have hit burn out… Like a lot have…

Doing the some dungeons over and over is not what I would say is compelling content

You think people who do LFR or 10 keys are the “1%”?

Please try to keep up, LFR was on included in this hot fix, the 1% are people who do M+ and raiding.

You think people who do Normal raiding are the “1%”?

keep trying

Actually, this go around I am doing my own thing as to what makes sense to me. And I can tell you that what I am doing with my talent tree is not what is “recommended”. I’m going to put 5 talents into divine Str. in holy, 4 into improved seals, jump over to prot and put in 5 for devo aura, 5 for toughness, and 1 into kings. you get the picture…

The point is, if you were to look at talent builds, this is not the recommendation. So yeah, first go around I did what the interwebs told me to do, this time I’m doing my own thing. :slight_smile:

So there is the choice to do what you want, or go with the flow. It was there, people just decided aginst figuring out something else because simcraft and whatever else said that X build was best.


You’re just posting a bunch of nonsense, so I don’t think I will, no. But you keep enjoying your little world.

I got the answer to my question, which was “what does this even mean?”. Answer: It didnt’ mean anything. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

One could say the same thing about you

No your trying to make a point, what I don’t know but I already given up, everyone on these forums know what and who the 1% are AND I told you once, M+ and raiders, you failed to mention the heroic or mythic raider and went with LFR and normals, trying to either disprove me, which you didn’t now trying to say

Give it up dude.