Help me understand SL hate

I’m not sure if it’s just the forum effect, where it’s an echo chamber of negativity or the playerbase genuinely dislikes SL

Is it the current content drought? The core systems (covenants/conduits)? The aesthetic/theme? The loot availability? What is it exactly?

I keep hearing, SL is trash, BFA was better etc etc

Personally I haven’t been this engaged in WoW since MoP, though I am aware that due to my current specific circumstance (just formed a new guild and made some good friendships, playing most days with the lads) may have an effect of my opinion of SL - if I was a solo player still maybe I’d feel different.

I may also be looking at the game through a fresh set of eyes (I haven’t played more than 1 month since MoP. Only got a month out of WoD, didn’t play legion, and returned 8.3 on SL hype train but did no endgame content)

I’m really enjoying myself, sure the content drought isn’t ideal but I’m still finding myself logging every afternoon and getting some keys done and leveling alts.


It’s def got issues, but I’m still subbed, I had already quit BFA due to the horrid azerite gear system.

So personally, it’s not great but its far better than BFA.


They killed casual PvP.


Nothing to do in the endgame after you beat Sire, unless you plan to progress Mythic. The only repeatable content is M+ and PvP. Not everyone’s enjoying M+ because there isn’t any action taken against FOTM classes. That and its ridiculously easy to mess up a run. All pulls need to be perfect, or else someone leaves.

The content draught is really bad right now.


This is why, having active guilds/friends makes a world of difference.

Personally I don’t think SL is that bad but it’s nothing special, we need a content update badly is the thing for me.

That aside, unless you find a guild/friends or they find you any MMO will feel more empty. IMHO those upset at SL won’t feel better in Classic, BC, or any other MMO unless they find those things.

For reference I like WoD a lot. Why you might ask? Well I met a lot of friends and my first real guild of nice people, so it will always be great to me even if the content was less so.


End game is dead. Next real patch for SL has been like 7+ months. Whereas all other expansions have been much quicker on new patch releases.



covenant ability restriction suck
pvp gearing was great but pvp itself is dead
maw sucks and we had to run everywhere for months because of (???) reasons
torghast sucks
legendaries suck and are locked behind sucky content
aoe cap sucks
conduit energy sucks
no flight whistle and flight paths go through oribos to waste more time

also its been like 6 months since it came out and don’t forget Shadowlands got delayed.

could you imagine if Shadowlands came out as original plan in OCTOBER

my god


Pretty much this.


Couldn’t tell you haven’t played it. Came back for tbcc


It has a lot of issues, but it’s much better than BFA, that’s for sure.

burst meta in pvp, restrictions regarding covenants, soulbind issues, etc etc.


i vote content drought too…it just launched very bare bones and it dried out months ago imo.

not entirely a quality issue for me, so that makes it even worse :frowning:

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Sometimes. But for myself and my guild, none of us are engaged in this expansion, regardless of having each other.

We have no interest in the storyline or characters, none of us like the anima grind, M+ is just okay (we’ve never been big fans of it), Torghast is boring to us and adding a score and a timer really turned everyone off from it completely. We got a bunch of pets and mounts and achievements to try to make things more fun, but it didn’t work. We ran the raid, as well, but ultimately, no one cared enough about the rest of the game to care about the raid, either.

To us, it’s just not engaging. It feels like a cheap version of WoW with a craptastic storyline.


It’s really clear from playing 9.1 that this patch is basically the complete product for 9.0. If you look at some of the macro icons, they’re mixed in with stuff from 9.0, meaning this patch was being developed parallel to 9.0 but just didn’t launch on time. I’m convinced this wait is a result of them working heavily on 9.2 in the background to play catch-up.

So, they’re basically just working on two patches at once, and getting the next one to the stage that it can be released soon after 9.1. They’re sacrificing this 7 month period so that we can get consistent content drops from here on out instead of the craziness of BFA.

Obviously I could be wrong. Still sucks though.


I can feel that. Many of my friends have left for similar reasons, really feels like we just played for each other more rather than Because WoW was good at some point.

Playing a lot more party type games though and it’s a lot more enjoyable for all involved.


While I think the forum will always complain, SL is a step down from BFA imo. It’s not as grindy, but the grind that does exist isn’t as fun.


Yeah, I’m transitioning them over to Old Republic. It’s a lot different, but they seem to be enjoying it more now.


not even close. lol. Ive come to hate this expansion all by myself. Im not a lemming…or a drone…or a mindless zombie. I hate what I hate all on my own.

this expansion sux since 9/9. boring nothing content, players acting like spoiled kids in group content, boring daily crap to do, the mindless anima grind makes me want to do all that stuff that we should only think about, lol. Crap transmogs. crap mounts.

No…both are trash.
Legion was ok.

definitely. players made me hate group content…pve and pvp…so I have nothing now but the game itself to play…and it isnt worth paying a monthly sub for as far as current content.


So from my POV its because of a couple things. But I can sum it up in one sentence:

It feels like I am not being rewarded for the amount of time I invest into the game.

What do I mean by this? Well for starters gear. You can do a bunch of dungeons, all of LFR, and even normal raiding and still come out without a single -useable- piece of gear. Now, I don’t mean to say like you never get gear. Oh you do sometimes. But, from my experience its for something you already have or something thats 1-3 ilvls higher than what you have (Prolly doesn’t have your good stats but I digress).

Then it comes to pvp. In older expansions, looking at you MoP love that expac, you can get ground up in the meat grinder but STILL progress meaningfully in pvp. Now? Well you have to grind out 89775 honor (For a two handed plate class with 1 dps and 1 glad trinket) to fully upgrade your run of the mill honor set to 190-something. Thats still less than normal castle nathria. Previously it was more in the 20 k ball park. I am not even going to approach the rated pvp aspect of the game because honestly? Haven’t done it too much.

At this point it feels like this game is an abusive relationship. Where the devs want to squeeze every dollar from me in exchange for chump change. It makes me upset bc they have done good things. But right now? Its not their best.

Edit: I forgot to add that previously we didn’t even have to upgrade our pvp armor. We could just BUY, from the get go, pvp armor that made a player remotely survivable in pvp.

Also the anima grind is a bit much. It -feels- daunting. Even though its plausible to grind it out.


Professions are dead and mostly useless.

Everything is time gated.

Borrowed power has more effect and consequence than class abilities.

We asked for no more azerite power / artifact knowledge - which we got but anima rules everything around me and the grind is real.

Conquest gear has a rating requirement.

Class balance is a dumpster fire.

More systems incoming.

Glyphs are dead.

No more character customization for the rest of SL despite it being the least contentious anything added since legion.

No new bg’s, one new arena.

Holidays need a revamp.

Shop prices suck.

Very little communication with devs beyond things that affect the elite 1% of players.

I could probably go on…


for me it’s a myriad of issues.

from the continued ‘you have to earn flying later’ and crappy zones that’s making it un-fun…also pathfinder sucks, i wanna buy flight with gold again…

the covenants themselves are just… stupid imo.
also, having to grind-out resources to get more content isn’t fun, it’s annoying.

plus, all of the classes feel ‘off’ none of’em feel 'quite right…

paladin for example, does’nt have the heavy-hitting, layered-armor, warrior-of-light feeling it used to have back in legion, maybe it’s cause they removed blessings, and gave us auras, maybe it’s because every enemy takes too long to kill for it to feel satisfying, who knows.

speaking of which, yeah, enemies take too long to kill in the open world. every little enemy, takes SO many hits before they die. like, when you kill things at low level, enemies feel like they’re taking the right amount of damage before death, but at higher-level, you gotta do your entire rotation on EVERYTHING, and bigger enemies require it twice!! it’s just no-fun.

and then there’s the maw… i don’t have the maw mount, and it feels like they’re punishing me for it. but honestly, what does blizzard expect when they take stuff away from the players? who ever asks for something they enjoy to be taken away? who asked for a zone where you can’t use your normal mounts??

just… so much wrong with this expansion. SO. MUCH. WRONG.