I’m not sure if it’s just the forum effect, where it’s an echo chamber of negativity or the playerbase genuinely dislikes SL
Is it the current content drought? The core systems (covenants/conduits)? The aesthetic/theme? The loot availability? What is it exactly?
I keep hearing, SL is trash, BFA was better etc etc
Personally I haven’t been this engaged in WoW since MoP, though I am aware that due to my current specific circumstance (just formed a new guild and made some good friendships, playing most days with the lads) may have an effect of my opinion of SL - if I was a solo player still maybe I’d feel different.
I may also be looking at the game through a fresh set of eyes (I haven’t played more than 1 month since MoP. Only got a month out of WoD, didn’t play legion, and returned 8.3 on SL hype train but did no endgame content)
I’m really enjoying myself, sure the content drought isn’t ideal but I’m still finding myself logging every afternoon and getting some keys done and leveling alts.