Help me understand SL hate

Honestly IMO, I think that SL is on par with BFA. Both got me to quit less than a month in

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Well I just realized that there is a legendary to craft that would help give my shadow priest some added utility in rated battlegrounds, which shadow priests current lack in the meta for rbgs.

So now I have something to work on on both my Alliance and Horde priests.

However, I know I’m schizophrenic, but the Runecarver called me gay during my Torghast run

Oh gods… does this mean there’s gonna be a Corruption Dailies™ maw zone coming up next??

Full of elites and no way of grouping up :sweat_smile:

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There are lots of reasons, but I think they can be represented succinctly thusly.

Blizzard designed the Shadowlands in a way that forced almost every single Affliction Warlock to join team Fairy.

I personally like the night fae just fine. I think its fun twisting their power to rot the souls of my enemy.

but I understand why people drawn to playing warlock in the first place look longingly at the necrolord and venthyr armor.

It is ridiculous. And examples like this are played out all through the shadowlands whether its in how ridiculous it is there is no maw skip. How ridiculous the lack of loot was. How ridiculous the lack of anima was.


SL sucks because there is no content.

i wanna do world content but there is none. its just daily chores

This would be my vote. When I’m in the Shadowlands I feel very disconnected from the whole Warcraft universe. I don’t want to be in the Shadowlands and I find I don’t care about anything happening in it.

Second would have to be the Maw and Torghast. They are terrible… I mean really really terrible.

the systems are frustrating. torghast sux. pvp sux. loot drop rates suck. i think that about covers it.


For most people I know it’s the covenant/ conduit restrictions, which cuts out 75%of the story content combined with so many needless time sinks that were added.

It all just makes players feel punished and disrespected for wanting to have fun.


Just read the forums and you can find many valid complaints, but you don’t really care anyway since you are enjoying it.

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SL is just boring af. I’m not interested in the story or characters at all, and I’m tired of world quests… even thinking about doing all that on alts is just… no thanks. I’m playing another game for now.
I know grinds are a part of the game, but the grinds in SL just make me feel like I’m not being respected as a customer.


I agree here, this is annoying - I’m due for my 5th level 60 at some point soon (currently lvl 52 on my most recent alt) and I’ve done the Kyrian story once, the necrolord story once and after this upcoming alt, the night far story 3 times zzz

I’m wanting to try out the venthyr story but the abilities that best suit my gameplay and classes so far haven’t had venthyr as an option.

I wouldn’t say I don’t care, it doesn’t affect me sure. But seeing such a big disconnect to what seems like the majority of the playerbase on the forum, on /2 and on Facebook groups compared to what I’m experiencing is surprising really.

I suppose the saying, the squeaky wheel gets the grease is apt here, the people like me who are enjoying the aspects of the game they play aren’t on the forums, /2 etc pleading for change

I see lots of people complain about the grinds? Which grinds? Especially for alts:

Venari doesn’t particularly matter (<— I don’t have the sockets on my main because I found it very boring and just decided not to do it)

Anima doesn’t matter after the cov set
Torghast runs don’t matter after 190 lego
Renown you get from just doing your chosen content anyway

Is it the currency grind? Valor/honour/conquest?

The cov story grind?

PvP/M+ rating grind for upgrades?

What other grinds are there?

I wanted to say I appreciate you saying you now notice other playstyles. Its kinda refreshing to hear from people.

For me its the currency grind. At least for pvp (I stopped trying to do content after I got my transmog set from Nathria) the amount of grinding is ridiculous. Especially when you have people hopping in from high mythics and can do twice or even triple your damage. Since you can get better gear from PvE there is no way to just PvP your way to gear without being put in a meat grinder that just feels like ripping teeth out with pliers.

Anima while not mattering to gear after upgrading it is valid. But for someone with limited time, I am a student, its not fun seeing how little your anima goes especially when you don’t have enough to unlock a single mount. It just feels like its not worth the time even attempting it on alts when you haven’t done it with your main. This is including sanctums which feels like both wasted anima and worthwhile anima because of the tiny increase.

While I am perfectly okay with grinding (I’ve done the raptor bone grind, saberstalker, and just pvp grinds in general) it just feels too much this expansion. I’ve already mentioned the cost for a full set of honor pvp gear so I won’t reiterate but, that’s just…Wow. if a bg gives you lets say 500 honor for the first day win I don’t want to do the math to get that number. For each alt. After losing/feeling flimsier than a piece of wet paper.


One word that describes it to me, disappointment .


I crie everytime…pull the ripcord Blizzard please…

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The covenant system is flawed.

Either google search your spec’s best covenant or do garbage performance.

Also if you’re a mutli spec, lol.



I don’t hate it, I just think it’s “meh.” Theres nothing that really pulls me in and I’ve had zero issues never logging in. It’s not so bad where I pull a BFA and straight up unsub but I haven’t had any desire to play either.

lol at the highest DPS spec in raids that Rogues have? Wut?

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Yeah. Random bgs are too one sided due gear disparity.

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Maybe read what “lots of people” are disliking? There’s plenty of examples all over the forums and in this thread. lol It’s okay to disagree, but no need to act ignorant about it.

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