I couldn’t agree more with so many of the replies here. I’ve played faithfully for almost 7 years now, and for me it’s so sad to see what’s happening with what was once such a fun and good game (just my opinion). I unsubbed back in December and just thought I’d try another month… I just can’t do it anymore. My sub runs out in about 11 days, I’m beyond sad about it. I’ve put years and so much effort into this game and I wish it was something I still enjoyed, but I guess it’s time for me to move on
There’s so many awesome games out there. Terraria, Subnautica, Valheim, Divinity OS1/2, Path of Exile, Fallout really any of them, Dead Space 1/2.
While not MMORPGs anyone who has not seen these games should really give them a go. Especially now.
Sometimes the feelings a person projects outward is just what they’re feeling inside, and it might not have anything to do with their target.
Honestly I would enjoy SL a lot more if they have implemented good wpvp content like what they did in BFA. I miss going to whatever zone the pvp quest would send me and just fighting people. Made the world feel more exciting. Now even if I play on warmode people don’t really fight much
They got it right on me. Borrowed power are the flavor of every expansion. Without it, it’s like playing a game without a taste.
I like the 2 legendaries and artifact weapon of Legion.
I love the Essences especially the focusing iris, corruption like twilight devastation and the bad stuff being thrown at you and only you could see it on BFA. It exposes the advantage of the high mobility of my favorite BM Class… we became flavor of the month. Gotta love it.
In Shadowlands, it’s just warming up. I like my chosen covenant so far. And I understand the differences of each of my soulbind and realized the best conduits / talents /legendaries combo on me so far for each situation. I want to see more additional abilities on 9.1 and 9.2.
The expansion is not messy. It’s always like this every expansion. LEARN2ADAPT. WoW is fine to me. It’s not perfect but it is still WoW… the best MMO for years up to now.
SL is garbage - - - plain and simple
The hamster wheel is breaking it can’t handle anymore of this “systems” they keep trying to make mandatory to somewhat enjoy the endgame.
Its pretty much just this. But I’m still leveling alts and trying to make gold in the meantime waiting for the content drought to pass.
I want to play through the covenant stories on my alt army…I do.
Then I think about having to rescue souls from the maw on each of them for the renown catch up and everything else and…I cant do it. Like physically cant make my hands do it. They just stop.
So I farm old stuff. I cant even finish the renown cap on this toon.
It just…eh…no words
I kinda think the lore is built around the system concepts and not the other way around…having these covenants…and then making it work lore wise. Could be entirely wrong though.
I like the zones and general art overall…except the maw…but…I dont enjoy Torghast. I wanted to though!
I did it on a few toons and was lucky enough to be able to hang in there to complete all four covenant campaigns… but I totally feel ya there. I am working on my mage now and got him to 60, got to the Torghast intro quest and then logged off for a few days lol.
This is what a lot of people don’t understand. Those of us unsubbing, for the most part, are really sad about it. It almost feels like I’m breaking up with a friend I’ve had for 15 years. I desperately wish I wanted to keep playing. We’re not complaining just to complain. For many of us, we’re venting and trying to cope with losing something we once loved.
This isn’t talked about much these days, but I completely agree. For me, personally, world pvp was something Blizz really got right in BfA, and I have a hard time understanding why others feel differently about it. But, the quests were designed to keep us fighting each other, impromptu groups would form, there would be people chatting in the zone chat trying to get other people to come help them if they were being attacked.
They actually got that one right, and I miss it.
I had 12 toons at 60 by mid January and Im sure that didnt help but…
That was 4 months ago and even now the thought of doing it…just isnt appealing. I will eventually Im sure.
I was really diligent at keeping up on this toon until renown 24 or something like that then it was …eh.
This is pretty much where I’ve been. Add sucktastic gameplay on top of that, and … yeah.
Yeah it was really good, the only thing I wish they would do better on is disincentive just camping zones with raids.
If WoW doesn’t hand deliver these people a pizza, while giving them a back massage and a significant other than its unplayable trash for anyone who can say “Now, I’ve been playing since Vanilla…”
The problem is they want WoW to fill the void in their life, but they aren’t 19 anymore, and the world has changed.
Thank you, Dr. Freud.
I have two or three level 51 toons sitting in the covenant area of Oribos, ready to pick a covenant, because I hate every lock-in choice. Even if I switch, each is still a content-type-optimized-locking disappointment.
Among a myriad of other things.
Also, @Thundastahm, I do deserve a pizza, I’ve payed for months of unsatisfying gameplay, about the price of a gourmet pizza.
Is Doctor Freud wrong?
Oftentimes, yes.