(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

Painted with the blood of our noble fallen.


The tortured souls also expressed justice as their last wish and it never happened. Tyrande also said that she won’t give up before she has achieved justice.

She gave up before doing either of those, and in 9.1 the Winter Queen says that the souls are still in the maw.

Exactly. Because they felt pride in their new identity, their glorious destiny to be the cutest race in all of Azeroth. A destiny and cuteness so great, even the Alliance could see it. Why else would they accept cheap, dollar store off-brand reject blood elves into their ranks?

Civic pride and a sense of national identity got all of Quel’Thelas repainted in a historically record-breaking time.

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I’m going to be frank. You often assert that things means something that, IMO, say nothing like that. If you want to post specific quotes I would be happy to discuss them, but I and not going to spend time in a futile attempt to try and keep you from being willfully unhappy. I am sincere when I say that refusing to move on can only lead to frustration.

Raise your hand if you’re a BE main and have permanent retina damage from Quel’thalas.


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Man, blood elves failed before they got out the door. Possibly before they even opened the door.

Because I’m pretty sure that it’s solid lore that male draenei (with their little tail wag when sitting animation) exist.

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You are a dwarf.

That alone disqualifies you from any understanding of cuteness.

I mean, you don’t even twirl when you jump!!


So are we going with the canon reason for Silvermoon being so ugly that it was a rush job by like 6 exhausted elves to put it back together and repaint it and ever since then, all that passes for construction in that neck of the woods is to hang another curtain?


With the new shadowlands customizations, Night Elves are taking that title.

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Oh nonsense.

Night elves aren’t cute, they’re deadly.

You do not boop their noses with impunity.


Night Elves ARE cute. They just don’t like me.

I thought you said the Night Elves got nothing good? Male Night Elves look terrible, though.

Yes. This is the canonical truth.

Now mind you, despite years having passed elsewhere in the world, Quel’Thalas is still trapped in a time warp from back during BC, so everything you see is still freshly painted and construction has still only just begun.

Lor’themar heard what was coming back then and locked the kingdom in that time warp to avoid the entirety of the Horde’s story from Cata onward. Surely the right decision was made.

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Night elves are the second cutest to be sure. But until you get those massive hands under control, you are still only a close second.

These aren’t mutually exclusive.

Well, depends on who does it

Story wise, I loved the new customizations but the story is still way too offputting.

And that’s where you are wrong!

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This is Doness’s TBC Classic Night Elf. I just noticed most of my toons have their faces covered.


Here’s my retail Demon Hunter.


Fine!! Third cutest. I suppose the Walmart version of blood elves, the morally inferior Void elves, do take second place.

This is one of Sledge’s MUCH CUTER THAN ELVES male draenei.


Eww!! Eww eww eww!!

What even is that??? Gawd, who let that thing in here???

I do think that male Night Elves should look a lot more like this:

Cutest, take it or leave it! The new hairstyles, leaves, vines and the pink/purple skin colour settled it!