(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

The Night Elves have gotten the short end of the stick in every aspect of Shadowlands so far.

The expansion that was supposed to make up for BfA doubled down on tragedy, humiliation, defeats and suffering.

9.2 is finished for the most part and Night Elves don’t play any part of it. Sylvanas got absolved of her crimes in a similar way the Horde did.

Something that SHOULD have been part of 9.2 though is freeing the remaining Night Elf Souls because that’s the very least the Night Elves could’ve gotten after being the victims of genocide and torture.

I get that it’s unlikely that Blizzard will change their minds about the souls, but it’s absolutely gross that they decided that the Night Elf souls have to be obliterated in the maw (yes I know we saved a very small portion at the start of SL)

I don’t see how it would’ve hurt anyone if the Night Elf Souls were freed instead of obliterated…but 9.2 is going the obliteration route seemingly as far as PTR and datamining goes…

Well, anyway… if anyone wants to help me in a last effort…


I doubt anything will be changed, Blizzard seems to be taking pleasure from the Night Elves suffering, even after they were tortured and killed… but the only thing it would’ve taken was 1 voiceline or confirmation that the Night Elf souls are atleast freed, and nobody else would’ve been affected negatively.



I support this.


The “obliterated souls” thing is a larger issue that extends beyond the Night Elves. It also includes all the dead Alliance/Horde forces from the war and the countless alien races that we’ve never heard of. We don’t know the percentage of souls in the maw that were harvested into anima - there seem to be plenty of souls still hanging around whenever I go there…

Hopefully the restoration of an Arbiter in 9.2 handles some of this. At a minimum they should transfer the souls that are still sitting around in the Maw.


That is my guess too. The new Arbiter will restore the souls and the Maw will change from a dark hole of evil where souls get tortured to a rehabilitation center.

This is why the soul thing doesn’t really have a lot of stake for me.


Did the devs actually say that?

Because if they did, going to the death lands is a pretty odd way of stepping back from tragedy, defeat and suffering.

No snark, I’m honestly asking if they said that because it would not surprise me in the least.

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There’s billions of worlds across the cosmos all with living beings dying daily since the end of Legion expansion and all those myriad souls going into the Maw nonstop. As the souls pour into the Maw imagine how many are being obliterated? Not just from Azeroth, but from the very cosmos. We’re talking trillions of souls and in numbers we cant begin to imagine… Night Elves are but a few droplets in the river of souls.


They often said that the night elves would get a resolution and closure in Shadowlands when asked about the lack of it in BfA


They cant even take away Night Elves from Stormwind (even knowing that its against the Lore, and Night Elves moved away to Kalimdore). Which require probably ~1 hour of developers work max.
But in the same time Sylvanas got 4 new supper cool models in 1 single expansion…

Try to understand Blizzard don’t give a dam about Alliance and especially about Night Elves. All they care is → The Horde.
Just live with that, or cancel subscription like I did. )


Oh, okay, you were paraphrasing earlier. Damn, I was hoping it was an actual quote, showing how out of touch they were.

Carry on!

God I can’t believe that they refuse to let us free the souls like that’s so disgusting

If the souls aren’t freed by the end of Shadowlands, then yes, it’s disgusting.


Well, it’s going to be quite disgusting than. I haven’t seen anything suggesting we’re rescuing any more in 9.2


They aren’t even mentioned in 9.2… they really really refuse to let us get this satisfaction of freeing them.

They’re trying to make it sound like Wisps are some rare thing now, diminishing what they already had just so they can be easier fodder for the plot.

Is it at all surprising we can’t do anything meaningful to help them with that in mind. Writers jumped through retcon hoops to put them in there, they don’t respect us enough to let them out.


God I hope it’s never resolved. Truly.


I am not really sure we should focus on the hard numbers blizzard gave for how many we have saved, because they don’t tend to pay attention to them, themselves.

The numbers are only representative of it occurring. So, as far as they are concerned, the reoccurring efforts to save the Kaldorei resulted in ferrying most of them out. Everyone always happens to have enough people for whatever plot they want to do. Even the Void Elves somehow put out several battalions in BFA despite their population not topping a couple hundred people, tops.

Is that very satisfying? Not really, but the Kaldorei stuff was a B plot that impacted only one covenant to begin with. It surprises me we got as much as we did.


I would love to… except you have done this song and dance before. Every effort is your last effort, or some other melodramatic lie. You whine and cry about quitting, and you make “i quit” threads when ever the story doesn’t give you every little thing you whine about.

If it would end your nonsense and truly be your last effort, I would help in any way I could. But, it is just more lies from you.

You do need help though. Maybe a loved one will read your Forum history and get a psychological hold placed on you.


I say we start a Restore Gilneas campaign so the good doggos can get back to fighting the forsaken again. Those were the good times. :laughing:


Every thread Ethriel makes gets more and more disconnected from reality, and it’s become a source of humor.


Uh I’m refering to my last effort regarding freeing the Night Elf souls, since 9.2 is almost completely finished and if it goes live without changes, the Night Elf souls are obliterated so obviously, this can only be the last effort.

I don’t need to answer the rest since you completely misinterpreted what I said anyway