(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

Thanks, it’s nice to see that not everyone falls for the lies that some people like to spread about me, despite me only ever wanting the Night Elves to get positive development… in vain.


Anyway, there’s going to another PTR build next week. I don’t know if the souls will be mentioned.

Well, I can tell you with absolute certainty that they won’t…

IF anything, Danuser will say in an interview that almost all of the night elf souls were obliterated, like he said that the night elves are nearly extinct / almost wiped out.

Well, I don’t know what to say anymore. We know how Blizzard has treated them so far.

I’m sorry Ethriel if I was paranoid and distrustful of you when we first met. I admit we’ve never really had a chance to see eye to eye. I’m willing to bury the hatchet.

I came into this forums during a rough time in BFA and my alt posting was not because I was trying to be insidious but because I was new and distrustful of this community. And in hindsight I realize this is a tight knit community and at the time everyone was distrusting of me as well which caused needless friction.

I was actually scared my love of Sylvanas as a character would make me lose credibility when talking about lore (which is my passion) I used Luxio as a burner alt to talk about Sylvanas and my main Ren to talk about lore, until you doxxed me and out’ed me and I lost any respect I had earned. It took a long time for me to earn that respect back, so thanks for that I guess. Now I can be my most authentic self and I think I’ve made some friends along the way.

It’s much easier to be a Sylvanas fan in these forums now, as opposed to two years ago and part of that was Shadowlands neutering Night Elf poster hostility with this storyline… so thanks Blizzard… I guess.

You specifically were needlessly mean. I don’t need to doxx you. I assume you are either fifteen years old or just lack proper social skills.


So, are you going to leave WoW for good? You said you’re not playing. I’m just curious. I like WoW’s gameplay, so I’ll stay, but I think it has a lot of problems.

I’m not sure why you’d think that the alt posting was the problem and not your toxicity.
If you’re going to apologize for the alt posting and not for your ongoing bullying, toxicity and your attempts to dox me when there’s a very good reason why I’m posting on this character then I’m not really interested in burying anything.

Edit: I saw that you edited your comment to spread even more lies, so that settles it anyway

My greatest problem with WoW is not the game itself, but Blizzard. Also if Blizzard didn’t hate Night Elves, you could atleast be hopeful of the Night Elves ever getting some positive development, but I ended up predicting basically the entirety of SL and the resolution for Teldrassil based on Blizzard hating them.

I can’t really go into details of why I’m still posting but not playing, but I think (and hope) that my posts still inspired other Night Elf (or other) fans to quit the game for good and stop giving Blizzard money, and I’m also not only active in the forums.

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I’m new/infrequent here, but I can fight you.

Silvermoon’s color scheme is awful and it is literally the funniest thing in game that the first thing the blood elves did after surviving the zombie apocalypse and rebranding is repaint all the blue and silver to red and gold.


You might have to find a better insult than “Silvermoon be ugly”

We know she’s ugly she hasn’t been updated since 2008.


Ultimately I don’t necessarily think we need to manually go in and rescue all the souls within the Maw ourselves.

Once Pelagos becomes the new Arbiter, we can safely assume he’ll pull all the souls unjustly placed within the Maw out himself and sort them.

That’s exactly what I assume will happen, but Ethriel thinks overwise.

I mean, I could sing the praises of the Exodar, but I wouldn’t mean it.

Bilgewater Harbor is barely any newer and not even a real city and it’s still 110% a better city though

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They’ll probably say that the Night Elf souls were already all obliterated by then, and who says that he can just pull out souls from the maw in the first place.

Also, in 9.2 there’s nothing at all about the Night Elf Souls, so it’s safe to assume that they are obliterated already.

Even if he can’t, the Kyrian can just fly in and pull then out, assuming they aren’t all gone.

Also, I don’t understand why you think they were mostly obliterated. A soul only gets obliterated in the Shadowlands if it dies. What makes you think the Jailer obliterated them?

As far as Blizzard is concerned, you have freed the souls.

Blizzard had you free a token numbers of souls to symbolically do the action. Then Trande accepts that she can now focus just on vengeance against Sylvanas. Blizzard does this a_lot. They show the movement of an entire race by showing one or two ships. It makes the event tractable in a quest.

Blizzard has shown the NE souls being freed in the “scale doesn’t matter” approach they use all the time. You may not like how they did it, but they did do it. You can keep beating your head against the wall, but I think it is only going keep you unhappy. The other poster was right that you should either accept this is how things are or unsubscribe.

That what I did when it became clear that Blizzard had not story for the Horde that didn’t involve being there to be the foes of the Alliance. I unsubscribed and then switched to Alliance.


You are my arch-nemesis!!

National pride in the face of adversity is important. People need symbols to rally around. They need to look up every day and see that they are a part of something greater!! Something that matters!! Something super sexy!!

Something… GLORIOUS!!

And if we had the time to give them that something, we would have. But we only had the time to do a quick paint job.


Um no, none of the quests say that you freed the entire race. I know how the scale doesn’t always match the lore, but at leaat the dialogue would mention that you freed all of them.

Because that’s what the jailer does.

He obliterates souls to make weapons out of them or amalgamations that we had to destroy.
The few Night Elf souls that we saved were also at the location in the maw where the jailer does exactly that, we learn that from Jaina in the maw intro.

Well no, Ysera even tells us that they are still in there, even after we complete her last quest. So does the Winter Queen in 9.1.


Tyrande says she has to free the souls and get vengeance before the quest. Afterwards she talks about how she can now go get vengeance. This is Blizzard telling you the issue has been solved.

They handle things this way all the time.

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Some blood elf, traumatized by the loss of his or her family, shaking from withdrawals, went up on a scaffolding to paint every single tower red.

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