(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

I am a random night elf druid who has NO TIES WHATSOEVER to Alynsa, and I certainly agree with her keen wisdom and intellect.

Night elves are not as cute as blood elves.

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It’s another blood elf.

It just has on the bubble helmet, which looks bad on all of us.

Leaving it!! Blonde hair and green eyes are superior!!

What about Gnomes? Doness again.

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Since i don’t have much time left on the forum before my sub expire, i kind of don’t care anymore. So my fun right now is just to imitate a awefull poster on the GD.

The guy is a alliance player that keep posting on a low level alt and all he do is to claim how much the dev favoured us ( he always include himself in it) and how they should give the alliance cool race while giving the horde awefull race so we (including him) can see what it is to be a poor alliance player.

So i just do the same thing as him, posting on a alliance alt about how WE (the alliance) had it good and how they should give better thing for the horde.

That childish but since it my last moment on the forum, i don’t care to do it if it to annoy one of the most pathetic poster on the forum.

No way. Blood elves don’t have chintacles.

Freakish void monstrosity more like!!

Gnomes are adorable, but not cute.

Aren’t NE disproportioned?

No, they’re perfect

Who can do it, then?

Except for their monster hands.


That’s character.

It adds to their adorability.

Those that are nice to them!

I said perfect.


Their forearm are bigger than the rest of their arm…

Only if you find a certain kind of anime adorable!!

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, if it’s your kink. We don’t judge your tastes here, only your appearance. Because we are not shallow.

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Do you remember when Blizzard said they’d make three new faces without the menacing scowl, but they’re still scowling lol?


Perfectly monstrously large hands!!!

Perfectly adorable!


You’d be scowling all the time too if you had monster hands. Imagine how much trouble zippers and buttons are for them.

Perfectly adorable monster hands!!

Still the third objectively cutest race tho.