(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

You will like the gnome Druid form or…go cry in a corner! :smiley:

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I tried this out for clarity now on the PTR for multiple weeks, and you do in fact NOT save souls every week.

There are 3 quests that Ysera gives you in total to free Night Elf Souls (after the scenario). After you have done those 3, you won’t get any quests anymore.

Anyway, at this point there’s 0 hope of Blizzard actually letting us free the Night Elf souls so…

Oh, then, I’m sorry I used that argument.

The Night Elves are all dead and they are never coming back.

Wiped out. Gone. So sad.


You try to push Ethriel’s buttons a lot. Did she do something to you?

Hahaha yeah. She tried to doxx me.

Also there was a time when she’d stalk my threads just to say negativity about Sylvanas and I’m a vindictive b.

Forum rivalries die hard.


That’s a big oof

dox? By pointing out that you used to like your posts with 10 of your alt characters, and just swapped to another character when everyone hated you on Luxio?

What makes you think that you’re important enough for to waste my time doxxing you?

Also a little bonus:

If you’re going to make up lies, atleast make it harder for me to disprove them :wink:
You literally went to forums from different regions to try to find my character, now I’m curious how you are going to prove the lie you just made up

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Do you find it a bit strange Shernish tries to imitate you on the EU forums? He’s trying to steal your unique forum persona.

Good news. I found Shernish’s EU main. He’s pretty good at pvp and M+


Oh so now it’s not me anymore? How come :thinking:

Anyway I’m still waiting for proof for the lie you just made up

Because Shernish said it was him, did you not read the other replies in the thread you linked?

He admits that he mimics you in the EU forums for attention.

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Uh no, I wasn’t really going to waste my time reading comments about trying to find my main character.

I just find it funny that you accused me of something that you actually did to me, shows just how much of a joke you are, and that you can only get people on your side by fooling them.

And people wonder why I’m not posting on my main, because of psychopaths like you. (Although I guess it doesn’t matter currently since I’m not playing, not sure what people would need my main for since I’m only talking about the story)

Anyway, still waiting for your proof

I feel weird. I don’t have any real forum rivalries. A couple people I used to argue with a lot, but I don’t really hold grudges with them for long.

But now I want one. Someone step up and be my rival!!


There are plenty of GD posters I hate with a burning passion.

Eww. General Disfunction. I never go there except for a laugh.

You have greater tolerances than me.

There are things other than lore that I care about in WoW.

I don’t. I give my support for threads I like, and dip out.

Really? Did this happen?

Of course. They made a comment and went through all of their alts to like it within the first few seconds, alts that even used the same name slightly altered.

In reality though, if you look at the comment I linked, they actively tried to dox me a while ago.

They are trying to paint me in a bad light, yet the only thing they have against me are made up lies

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Methinks that merely not being a Night Elf player who isn’t constantly proclaiming how much Blizzard hates Night Elves is all it takes to trigger Night Elf players who constantly proclaim how much Blizzard hates Night Elves.

Like those vegans whose only personality trait is to immediately start all conversations by saying “I am a vegan” and then tell anyone who doesn’t reply that they too are vegans is 'So, you’re evil then".


Sorry, Ethriel. You get a lot of hate, but I think you’re a decent person.

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