(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

Honestly? I don’t think people actually hate the night elf community. People don’t like certain people who give the whole NE community a bad name. I don’t like aki, so according to her I clearly hate the entire NE community, even though I get along with everyone but her.

That’s the dumb logic being used here.


pls do not hate me. How can you hate a face like this:


hugs kail Who indeed! Cute owlkin though :wolf:

can we get all the other people Sylvanas killed back too? All the people Arthas killed as well

Blizzard should write their new cosmic entities to basically undo the Third War I think

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Why stop there? Let’s bring back to life and save the souls of everyone harmed by Azshara, Kiljaeden, Archimonde, Denathrius, Sargeras, Zovaal, and the Void Lords.

And even those harmed by the Player Champion.

Let’s have a party! Everyone’s invited!


Hey, look on the bright side; at least Night Elf males got three new slightly less wrinkly but still ugly faces?

i love this poster, but i worry about them too. every day, taking this night elf story arc to heart like this… can’t be good for the soul.

I mean, if you think of all the people we murdered in game for loot and money, it puts teldrassil to shame

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The ingame population of Stormwind Night Elves has dropped from it’s peak, so apparently a number of them have gone to Hyjal (and out of game).

That is called unconscious bias.

Because misogynistic comments is the bulk of BS I have had to deal with on a daily basis when I played this game.

And here on the forums, it is the typical response to any concern vocalized by the nelf player. I have talked about it at nauseum here on the forums. If you look back through my post history, you can probably find some of the extensive posts I have made on the issue.

It’s funny because you have publicly said the opposite in the past. But I call you out for being two faced, and suddenly it’s “I never liked you” lol

Is that the new Gnome Druid form?

What I actually said is I don’t like you. I never said anything about never not liking you.

But reading is hard I know


Oh you did… you then deleted that comment.

Yeah… I saw that. lol

No, I didn’t. But you’re welcome to think otherwise. Whatever helps you cope

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I’ll be your boogie man since it helps you cope

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It really doesn’t matter to me.

You know what the truth is, you can either be a man of integrity and own up to it, or continue to save face for the sake of strangers on the internet.

Whichever you choose really only impacts you.

More than likely the system will be fixed so that the Maw again becomes a place that only the truly irredeemable are sent.

I don’t think about you. I know who I am as a person, you are irrelevant to me.

Sad part is, you actually think I care what people on the internet think

do not say such cursed things.