(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

Because you come looking for a fight and than cry when you get one :eyes:

Fighting back isn’t crying, honey.

Than stop playing the victim sweetie

Calling people out on their cowardly behavior is not playing the victim, sweaty.

You clearly got me confused for someone else baby girl

Hot take.

Night elves deserve a lot better than they got, and are owed a proper resolution for their “story arc”, such that it is. Some night elf fans take these things way too far.

These are not mutually exclusive statements.


I think the mods would consider this harassment.


Thing is, this is a general statement that really applies to everyone. For every issue of any franchise, there is of course fans to are too attached, who are too emotional, to take things to far.

The difference is when Night Elves are facing toxicity from the community at large, they are still told their concerns are unfounded, or treated as a complete joke.

Of course some fans take things to far… But that is what people say whenever a nelf fan says anything.

Report it then.

Nothing will happen because it’s not harassment.

But that isn’t “the difference”; that’s the norm, not just for night elf fans but for all fan subgroups. Worgen fans hear it. Horde fans hear it. Troll, orc, tauren, gnome, dwarf, etc. They all hear it. This isn’t a night elf fan specific phenomenon.

Likewise, when night elf fans go into other threads and crap on other peoples’ concerns, that isn’t a statement on the night elf fandom; it’s just a few fans who do a little too much because their pain is the only pain that matters.

Toxicity is not limited to night elf fans or their detractors. It’s significantly broader than that. Again, just try discussing low key racist presentations around here and see how that goes for you.


Leaving aside the rest of it for a genuine question:

We saw a LOT of wisps in the prepatch. What does happen to wisps in regards to Shadowlands? What percentage of night elves who died in War Of Thorns went to SuperHell, and how many are floating around leading a glowy head life?

We see Feron in the Maw (though we also saw him as a normal ghost unless that was a hallucination) and can get him out, so it’s not as easy as Ashenvale/Darkshore deaths → wisps, Teldrassil–> Maw. I assume most of the wisps who were in the wall died their final wispy death and went to the Maw, but I’m really unclear on the breakdown here.

I assume Elune’s intervention was not having the Teldrassil elves turn to wisps (good job, space mom), since I don’t recall a scene with a lot of wisps streaming out of the tree.


We don’t know anything about what makes a Night Elf become a Wisp when they die, or what makes a Night Elf go to the Shadowlands to be judged by the Arbiter. Speaking of that, not every Night Elf is supposed to go to Ardenweald anyway. Some are in Revendreth. We may have accidentally sent some to the wrong realm.

To the degree Nelf fans hear it, it is. Most other fans get some degree of sympathy, or at the very least, don’t have to deal with people, in mass, going out of their way to make jokes.

I think Wisps are Elune preventing Night Elf souls from going to the Shadowlands. I think that’s what Nelves refer to as the “here after”

I mean they do. I won’t convince you of that, nor will I try. But they certainly do.

It’s not to the same level. It’s really not even close, and people who havnt played Nelves for any extended period of time don’t really understand how bad it is. And much of it is rooted in misogyny.

I probably can’t be trusted with sorting…

I mean, I do have a Revendreth ARMS WARRIOR dwarf named Sledgehammer.

In my defense, she’s around to hock loogies with dredgers and make the place more interesting.

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That’s why I assume that Elune’s Teldrassil intervention is basically not making wisps of everyone.

But it’s genuinely pretty confusing.

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I feel much the same about racist depictions in video games. I know too well about how much toxicity discussing this issue can bring out of people less affected or unaffected.


Well that’s the thing. Much of the Nelf hate is rooted in misogyny. It’s a matriarchal race with a lot of strong, powerful women at the center of its society and culture. And when Blizzard makes a mockery of that, when they are reduced to damsels in distress for the benefit of masculine characters, or made into allegories of abuse or assault and are then shamed for pursuing Justice… the community at large praises it or treats it like a joke.

The only actual time in WoW history that i remember hard numbers being given for loss was the number of Alliance or Stormwind Soldiers (can’t remember if it was one or the other) that died in Northrend being around 50,000. And im pretty sure that was in a book around Cataclysm so who knows if that’s even the case anymore. Especially the way stuff is retconned.

You often repeat that, but I haven’t once seen a thread talking about how night elves need to stay in the kitchen, or any other misogynistic comments.

What I do see, and see very prevalently, is people saying nelf fans are entitled, nelf fans need to GTFO and see other races suffered too, night elves themselves are boring, night elves themselves are a bunch of Mary Sues, etc. I’d say it’s as prevelant as the orc hate, for as many arbitrary reasons, complete with a term for too much orc-related content; “Orc Fatigue”. And the orc-hate has been a consistent thing since Vanilla, whereas night elves have high peaks and low valleys of hate aimed at them.

If night elf hate is based on misogyny, then isn’t orc hate based on racism? I mean, orcs hit on every trope associated with racist views on minorities. Criminals, savages, monsters, invaders, stupid monsters, so on and so forth.

If people hate the night elves because they’re all secret misogynists, then aren’t people who hate on the orcs all secret racists?

If no such thing exists as a reasoned criticism of the depictions of a race or the behavior of a small minority of their fans, and everything must boil down to some innate prejudice, then shouldn’t it be even across the board?