(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

Not really. I been fairly consistent with what I want an how I feel. Not Sorry that bothers you that much

Why free any souls when you can make some sick Mawsworn amalgamation of orcs, night elves, and everyone who ever wronged you?

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You might have missed this.

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That was pointing out how ridiculous some NE fans are and your one of them. I sympathize with rational people. Youre way too emotionally invested it seems


Boy, that certainly looks a bit like you’re…

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Or perhaps trying to be rational about it?

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I mean I seen you and others do it etheriel all time. So stop acting like your innocent in doing the same thing your accusing me of

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What is rational about saying “Stop diminishing how NE fans feel.” only to turn around and not do that?

Do what?

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You’re always looking to find reasons to be a victim because someone doesn’t agree with you. You literally accused me of being part of the reason your friends left wow and you still want me to be sympathetic towards you. Doesn’t work like that

Goodbye Night Elves!!!

Y’all gotta be concerned about the feelings of others here! Show some sensitivity and compassion!! Sometimes things in a game can have real world impact on people!!

… Unless there might be racism involved, then GTFO with your feelings and sensitivity. It’s just a game, y’all.


Get off your high horse. As a NE fan you don’t have it the worse, and I’m done with people like you who have a major victim complex.

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You are the one who said this

Which means you know its a problem. You have acknowledged it.

But then I suggest you might have been a contributor to it, and all of a sudden, I am the a-hole with a victim complex? lol

Don’t you know a fake tree burning is more important than the very real cultures blizz pisses on daily?!

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I came in here and quoted something you said that contradicted something you said here.

I know its kinda hard to get called out, but this is how we learn and grow as humans.

You quoted something when you had a fight with me and ren to try and paint me as something that I’m not. Piss off, I see through your BS

If that is not what you are, then I suggest you stop acting that way.

“Remember, every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings; and every time an elf teaches a troll to read, an night elf soul is condemned to rot in hell for all eternity. It’s an odd system, but it works.”


YOU came in here looking for a fight. Stop being a hostile prick and maybe you won’t get the nasty responses you get

Funny enough, I really only get them from you and Ren…

I wonder why that is.