(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

of Shadowlands…its possible that the final patch of this expansion is back at home to pave the way to 10.0…

Possible. With how disjointed the SL storyline has been, going to Azeroth will be welcomed by many


It is possible that we are under Northrend at the end of the raid…did you see the intro raid cinematic? The titan hologram showing Northrend…and it makes sense when you see all those hollowed out mountains and massive titan facility holes in Northrend. The beam behind him does appear to be azerite…

I think Blizzard needs to really take their time to absolutely nail 10.0 expansion…they need a Legion style revival to climb out of the hole they are in, just barely.

Micah up in here like “If I don’t acknowledge it, maybe no one will notice.”


No, we are still in Zereth Mortis, that last room is the heart of the entire death machine. Zovaal has re-tuned it to link it to Azeroth with the intention of using her death as a fuel source to power the unmaking of everything he intends to achieve.

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you can be disgusted by the entitlement of specific race fans while sympathize the current situation of both Night Elves and the Forsaken.

No one race is more or less deserving of sympathy.

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Not when the so called “entitled” are right.

You can’t say “Stop diminished the feelings of other people” when you are just as guilty of doing it.

This is not the first time they have done this either.


Unfortunately, we won’t be seeing the last two chapters on the PTR until January.

how are you right for being entitled?

Oh noo…they committed the crime of changing perspectives…the horror and the hypocrisy.

I am not right for being entitled. I am just right.

Blowing with the wind based on who is present is cowardice. Even worse when you want to attack people in other threads, and defend them in another.

remaining ignorant just b/c you don’t want to be wrong is, in fact, wrong. Not cowardice.

Do you need a shovel? That hole is getting pretty deep you digging. smh.

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It’s both, actually.

Cowardice because it is willful ignorance. Fear of being wrong, so rather than face it, rather than face the challenges of the majority, you just fall in line. That is being a coward.

I am not sure what hole you think I am digging, because you just helped me prove my point.

The hypocrisy shows that Micah -knows- he is wrong. He knows that Nelf fans have to deal with people diminishing their thoughts and feelings.

Yet, put him in a room with the majority of people doing it, and he joins the mob.

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No one is diminishing how you feel, it’s sort of the opposite.
Particular NE and Worgen fans are over inflating their own importance when there are others that have it equally as bad.
No one has it worse.



I haven’t attacked you. You’re just mad because I laughed at a sarcastic comment ren made

That’s true. I suppose some do have a overinflated sense of entitlement

Which was made with the intent to… as you put it

See? Like clockwork.

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Again, not talking about you. Your looking like a clown right now coming in here looking for a fight. I didn’t mention ne fans. I just said some have a over inflated sense of importance

I didn’t say you were talking about me.

I am just reinforcing my point that you tend to just blow with the wind. Even when it contradicts things you have said in the past.

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I’m a huge night elf fan and you don’t see me here complaining about Teldrassil or the maw all the time. Its like I’ve said though, some people are way too emotionally involved in this. I don’t think its so much as trying to diminish how NE fans feel rather than pointing out the fact that its gotten a bit ridiculous how the reaction to it all has been and continues to be. WoW’s story is filled with tragedy and it probably will continue to be. I’ve also pointed out that what happened at Teldrassil is nothing compared to what Gul’dan and the burning legion have done.