(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

I’d love to see Gilneas reborn from the blood of their enemies! They have a fully functional city just vacant and can easily rezone and update Gilneas and add Darnassian NPCs with Gilneans. A steampunk city for all of us to enjoy!


Yes! It would be glorious and would even make the gnomes jealous! :laughing:

I do think that Blizzard needs to provide clarity around the status of the Night Elven souls and frankly on all the other souls wrongly sent to the Maw after the machinery of Death was broken. On the Night Elven souls specifically, we know that some have been rescued, some have been obliterated (e.g. Amalgam). What we don’t know is what percentage have been rescued v. obliterated and whether there are any remaining Night Elven souls in the Maw still to be rescued.


They’re not refusing to let you free the souls. Every Maw Walker affiliated with Ardenweald is freeing a few of them every week.


That’s quite unnecessary.


I mean I am sure Turalyon would be happy to go reclaim it for you. Don’t mind the shiny light fine print.

Joking aside, that would be neat, though. Perhaps make Tal’doren into a portal link to Hyjal as a nod to the Kaldorei-Gilnean cultural link.

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Just out of pure curiosity… do you want all the Night Elves to be saved/reborn?

I get the Teldrassil story feels “pointless” but putting that aside, do you not expect people to die during war?

Teldrassil was a bad idea in the first place, but she just wants to save the souls in the Maw.


That would be awesome. I think the thing that gets overlooked a lot, yes the gilneans/worgen got out alive. But they been living in Teldrassil for over ten years. Many lost kaldorei friends and loved ones. It’s why I often speak of both groups when the burning gets bought up. Nobody came out of that unhurt.


There were also Gnomes who apparently lived in Teldrassil, too. You could save Gnome civilians during the prepatch event.


First and foremost I want them out of the maw which is seemingly something that is already too much to ask.

Since the Night Elves had to give up on justice and basically never got any positive development, reviving their genocide victims that also were tortured is something that I feel would be a start to make up for all of this crap…

Otherwise the promised “renewal” is truly only forgiving Sylvanas and the Horde and that’s it.

So 9.2 is now pretty much finished and there’s still absolutely nothing regarding the night elf souls… it’s over for them


I’m sorry Ethriel. I don’t hold any hope, but maybe there’ll be something for you in the next expansion’s pre-patch, the 9.2.5 patch or in a book.

It sucks you’re getting no resolution.

To be fair, this isn’t unique to Night Elves.
As far as I can recall, there are still several souls within Zovaal’s soul shard vault that were past victims of Frostmourne that we’ve yet to rescue.


so there is what seems to be a reversal of the soul stream in the PTR once Arbiter Peligos takes over, where all the souls in the maw are instead flowing out and being processed.

So, that may be how they answer that request.


It’s both funny and sad how blizzard’s every effort to sweep Teldrassil under the rug backfires because they can’t help but halfass it. Especially how they concluded Tyrande’s arc during the Cosby Suite debate. Mega yikes.


Can we please just stop diminishing how NE fans feel? Y’all do this to NE fans and worgen fans all the time. It’s tiresome.

We bring something up and it’s always something like But little Timmy the ghoul lost his dog to the maw, forsaken fans have it the worse.

Just stop already


naw…don’t worry about it, we will get those loose ends taken care of in 9.3…

There is too many things in the air for 9.2 to be the final patch of Shadowlands…

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Didn’t blizz confirm 9.2 is the final patch though?