(Help) Blizzards refusal to let us free the Night Elf souls

I fully agree!


So me, but not the writers!

I’m pretty sure they’re not for that.

More like crooked teeth or a stray freckle. Adds character.

People who look perfect are a dime a dozen (especially with the blood elf population hordeside hurr hurr hurr), but true cuteness needs character!

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For clarity, I shall now list the proper ranking of all races, based on their objective cuteness and beauty.

Blood elves
Void elves who look like high elves
Night elves
Real void elves
Normal humans
Magma Orcs
Kilt IRAs humans
Zanzibar trolls

If you are not on this list, you do not qualify as cute or beautiful.

Nightborne are bottom of the list and need to go away.

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Pretty sure. But not positively sure.

Even you think it might be possible!!

That list could have a point if Night Elves were #1.

You can’t just put beautiful pink/purple elves with pretty faces, leaves in their hair and markings that fight in the moonlight on anything but number 1.


Yes you can, on an objectively true and honest list!!

Take the number 2.5 position and like it!!

Your ranking of Zandalari trolls so low is offensive and wrong and you are the most formidable of nemeses.


At least they made it on the list.

They might have been higher if they had better tattoo options!!

No one beats fem worgen and fem drae(those hips……drool) :wolf:


Sorry Micah, the canonical and objective list has spoken. Worgen are below blood, night and void elves, trolls, both flavors of orc, and basic humans.

Drainos don’t even make the list because of those hooves.



Sorry? I am Шерниш, casual and mediocrity.

Ethriel’s image is not unique. Призраклеса, the songs of despondency were replaced by a fighting mood, “two phases of the moon”. Famous person on forums; lives on the forum, it seems, since the days of WotLK.

Some of the greatest dancers in the mailboxes (is that true?) - and didn’t make the list? Outrageous.


Blizzard made it canon that Night Elf women strip and dance on mailboxes for money, but they didn’t do that for Draenei women.

I’m not sure draenei dance in the mailboxes…

But I suppose I can see it, especially with a misstep.

Drainos don’t dance on mailboxes. That is strictly elf territory.

Drainos dance on tables.


I strip and dance on mailboxes with my Draeno…


Ren dear, it is spelled draino. Like the drain cleaner.



They … They wouldn’t dare to write that into the canon without including everyone else.
Fuh … At least there’s a Mailbox dancer.

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“If you want to engage the mind of a Night Elf girl, you’re going to have to stand out. Sure, we’ve all heard the tales of Night Elf lasses dancing on mailboxes and stripping to pay for Nightsaber training. True or not, if you want to light that lovely lady’s lips up with a smile, you gotta be unique, memorable and confident.”


Drainos dance where they please lil miss elfy :smiley: